Chapter 32

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"So are you speaking yet?" Christina asked Meredith as they sat down in the canteen for lunch.

"We have not stopped speaking Christina," Meredith said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"Okay is he Mr Nice and Charming or is he a being an ass. Just remember I am on his service today and I could easily castrate him and make it look like an accident," Christina stated.

Meredith had to laugh at this comment before replying "Don't know he left for work this morning before I woke up,"

"Um, well he seems in good form if that helps," Christina replied.

"The only thing that is going to help Derek is when Addison signs the bloody divorce papers," Meredith sighed, "This past month has been awful and I just want things back to the way they were," Meredith explained.

The morning after Addison had shown up Derek had apologised for his behaviour the previous night and promised to make it up to Meredith on Valentines' Day, which was the following week. Reservations had been made for them along with Mark and Lexie and Owen and Christina at a fancy French restaurant in downtown Seattle. The only problem was the ten car pile-up on the freeway which resulted in Meredith spending Valentine's Night in Derek's office as they had all been called back into surgery.

Now three weeks later Derek was still promising to make it up to her.

To make matters worse they were supposed to be living in their new dream house in the woods. The move should have happened two weeks ago but there had been problems with an electrician and then the flooring company had gone bust and they spent two days on the phone before finding someone who could start work straight away.

Derek had insisted on new furniture for the house and both of them spent most evenings at the house waiting on delivery men. The house was nearly finished and fingers crossed they were officially moving in next week.

"So is the house finally sorted?" Christina asked.

"Yeah – all we need to do is pack the stuff we are keeping and move it over," Meredith explained.

"Why is Derek not selling the Queen Anne house?" Christina asked as she guzzled her soda.

"He wants it for when his family come to stay. There is a nasty rumour on the grapevine that they have invited themselves for Christmas," Meredith saw Christina's face and laughed "I know it is only March but I'm not even going there!"

They both finished their lunch when Christina asked again how things really were with her best friend and Derek. She knew something was troubling her friend.

"Are we talking – yes, are we sharing a bed – yes, are we having sex – yes," Meredith started to say.

"Yeah but is it good – make up sex is always good," Christina said.

Meredith swallowed before answering "it's okay, it's not as bad as that night of the argument, but it just feels a bit... I don't know... robotic... as if the only reason he is doing it is to get me pregnant..."

"Oh god, you're not... are you?" Christina asked

"No I'm not, I'm not even sure I still want to try with the way he is acting. One minute he is the perfect boyfriend and we are the old Derek and Meredith and the next he is snapping and treating me like..." Meredith answered but was interrupted by Christina's beeper.

"Damn it – asshole is paging me. I'll call you later and we can talk more – okay?" Christina said as she hurried out of her seat.
While Meredith was having lunch with Christina, Derek was doing the same with Mark and Owen in his office.

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