Chapter 23

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The summer turned out to be one of the warmest in Seattle's history and the warm weather had continued in September. It has been three months since the shootings and the crèche and life was starting to get back to normal.

Meredith had continued to work half days in the crèche and enjoyed taking Beth on late afternoon walks to the park and along the waterfront. Her arm was still annoying her from time to time and thankfully the headaches associated with the concussion had also started to disappear.

Meredith was now going back to full time hours at the crèche which both Derek and Adele had to remind her were 40 hours a week and not her usual pre-shooting of 60. They had all agreed for Meredith to work two twelve hour shifts and three half day shifts.

This past week had been Meredith's first full week back at the crèche. It had been crazy as usual. Jason Harper had settled back into nursery routine better than ever and even started to make friends. None of the staff were scared of him any more with Carly beginning to notice that he a very smart and intelligent little boy.

However Beth's temper tantrums were getting worse.

Take tonight for example.

It was Saturday night and the Red Sox were playing the Yankees at Fenway Park. Mark, Lexie, Owen and Christina and Alex Karev were all at the house to watch the game when Beth decided to lift the bowl of potato chips and throw them on the floor.

Both Meredith and Derek had saw her do it and both told her to stop. Beth's reaction was to start screaming and stamping her feet. They would both have overlooked it if had been her first temper tantrum of the day, but it wasn't – Meredith had lost count after six – and now Meredith had no patience left.

Meredith stood up in the middle of the lounge and looked directly at Beth and then started doing what she was doing. Meredith decided she would start to scream and yell and stamp her feet. When she stopped Meredith looked at Beth who was standing still and said

"Yes Bethany, I can do that too and I can do it louder and better than you!"

Beth sat down on the floor and started playing with her toys.

"Way to go Mer!" Mark said.

"Oh that was definitely worth an Oscar," Christina joined in.

"For who?" Mark answered.

"Both performances were equally good," Christina smirked as Meredith glared at her person.

The baseball was just starting to get interesting when the doorbell rang. Meredith was in the kitchen getting more alcohol for everyone as well as lifting the freshly made cookies out of the oven.

"I'll get it," Derek yelled as he walked backwards to the front door scared in case he took his eyes of the television screen that he would miss something important.

"Thanks," Meredith answered although she was positive that Derek had not heard over the yelling coming from the lounge.

Derek eventually turned around and opened the front door to see an older man standing there.

"Hello?" Derek asked

"Hello. I wonder if you could help me please – is this is the Shepherd residence?" the stranger asked.

"It is – I'm Derek Shepherd, can I help you?" Derek asked

"Yes, we've spoken a few times on the phone – I'm Thatcher Grey. I have come to see how Meredith is."

For a few seconds Derek was literally speechless.

"I'm sorry, come in, I'll get Meredith for you," Derek managed to say. "Here let me take your jacket"

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