Chapter 27

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By the time everyone sat down after Sam's announcement that she was expecting a baby girl, Beth started to get cranky.

It had been a long day and from what Derek had told her, Meredith knew it was going to be an equally long night. Tradition had it that the men in Shepherd family set all the children's presents from Santa out once the children went to bed.

Everyone had their own place for their respective families' presents and Meredith knew how excited Derek was that he would finally be setting out presents for his daughter in his family home.

While Derek and his father and brother-in-laws were planning on where to place presents and start getting the room organised, Carolyn ordered Mark to help her clear up after dinner and Meredith knew that Carolyn was going to talk some sense into her adopted son.

Meredith had just finished dressing Beth in her pyjamas when Sam suggested that as Beth and Noah were sharing a bedroom they may as well have a joint bedtime story.

As both Meredith and Sam were reading nursery stories to the two youngest Shepherd grandchildren, Mark was crying on Carolyn's shoulder mourning over his missed chances of fatherhood and messing up his relationship with Lexie. Once he had calmed down Carolyn handed him the house telephone.

"Go and call Lexie and wish her Merry Christmas," Carolyn whispered.

Mark kissed her on the cheek and headed for the conservatory. As he closed the door Michael walked into the kitchen and sat down at one of the chairs and looked at his wife.

"Ready?" Michael asked.

"As I'll ever be," Carolyn said smiling before calling "Derek, can you come here?"

A few seconds later Derek arrived in the kitchen and saw his parents sitting at the kitchen table. He felt as if were fifteen again and had been caught doing something wrong.

"Sit down son," Michael said.

"What's wrong, has something happened?" Derek asked.

"No, no. We just want to talk you about Meredith that's all," Carolyn smiled warmly at her son.

Derek sat down between his parents.

"First of all son, I just want to tell you how much your mother and I love Meredith and we know you do too. I will never forget how distraught you looked when we arrived at the hospitals after the shootings and I think we both knew then your feelings for her," Michael said.

"I love her dad," Derek smiled at his parents

"I know it's your life Derek, and you can do whatever you want with it," Michael said carrying on "I appreciate you had a tough time when Addison disappeared..." Michael was having difficulty in trying to express what he wanted to say so Carolyn took over.

"What your father is trying to say Derek is, have you considered proposing to Meredith?"

Derek could not believe his ears and started to laugh.

"Everyday," Derek answered laughing. "Remember the spa break we went on just after the shootings?"

Both Carolyn and Michael nodded their heads.

"The first night there a young couple got engaged. We saw the whole thing – the champagne, the red roses, the ring in the desert and I have to admit I was tempted but Meredith had been put off by the whole thing. It was too clichéd for her taste and we sort of discussed getting engaged."

"But..." Carolyn asked

"I'm still married mom," Derek said as he noticed his parents looking at each other "Addison filed for divorce, I signed the papers and returned them, but her lawyers have not heard from her," Derek took a deep breath "Do you remember Sam and Naomi – my friends from med school?"

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