Chapter 34: Enies Lobby

Start from the beginning

"What's the matter, Nico Robin?" Lucci questioned her. "Don't stop." He ordered, unwaiting for her response.

Did she sense something? Have Luffy and the other's arrived?

***3rd Person POV***

    Luffy has separated from the main force, and has infiltrated the first two gates. He is now in the town that Amaya, Robin, and Franky are near the edge of.

    The rest of the forces have just broken through the main gate, entering the walkway over the waterfall to the next gate. Two giant gatekeepers were just aroused from their sleep in order to help protect the gate, causing a setback for the group.

The rest of the Strawhats are awaiting their time in the fray inside the Bullet Train.

Luffy is now surrounded by hoards of weapon bearing marines.

"Oi, Straw Hat Luffy, how many people did you bring? There over 10,000 soldiers on Enies Lobby a random marine spoke.

"Yeah, I'm by myself." He cracked his knuckles with a frown on his face. "Get out of my way!"

***Amaya's POV***

    We had entered the Tower of Justice, the building that would contain the rest of the CP9 members along where the majority of the battles would take place.

    "Welcome back, Sirs and Madam." The door guard greeted our group. He then opened the mini small-sponder on his wrist. "Chief, Mr. Lucci and the others are here."

    Kaku set me down, having carried me the whole way. I nod my head in thanks, but refuse to say it again since he was the cause of my lack of energy in the first place.

    We enter the room to see the chief with his metal face contraception, sitting behind his desk. Also in the room are the final three members of CP9. Lastly, there was an elephant? Sure, why not, I guess.

    "It's been a while, Chief." Lucci spoke.

    The chief just grinned manically while nodding his head twice. "Yeah.. Cutty Flam, the criminal who is responsible for assaulting Government officials in Water Seven eight years ago, Nico Robin, the criminal who was involved in the incident where Navy battleships were attacked in Ohara in the West Blue, Amaya Fukui, the criminal who continued her island's legacy to build air crafts and using them against the Government. We've completed the escort of these two without a hitch. They're all standing before me. Welcome back! Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, and Kalifa!"

    "That's sexual harassment." Kalifa states with a hand touching her glasses.

    "Just calling your name is?!" The chief questioned shocked.

    One of the three new CP9 members leaned his head back on the couch to see us all. "Long time no see, Lucci." He spoke. He had long dark hair, a scare over one eye, and facial hair. "It appears that your audacity has increased considerably." He taunted the man with a grin.

    "It appears that your stupidity has as well, Jabra." Lucci monotone as he fired back.

    "What'd ya say?" Jabra stood up.

    "Stop it, both of you." Kaku intervened. "We just got back."

    "Yoyoi! He's right. Stop it, you two." Another new member added in. He was much taller than all the other CP9 members and had really long pink hair. His speech had a rather slow cadence too. "We have been reunited after five years!" He turned to face Jabra.

    Jabra sat down, seeming uninterested. The last new member was also tall. He had green hair and a body figure that matched a bowling ball. His mouth was a literal zipper, which he unzipped. He then lowered his stance before charging at Kalifa.

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