Karishma is a traditional woman, who bounded with some sentiments, but now she bounded by the sentiment for the woman, who is afraid to be bounded to anyone domestically. And that bounded sentiments, makes her to think that, removing ring may bring bad luck to her partner, and she believes that it doesn't matter, whether it's a man or a woman.

No matter what, this is drama only, but they got married legally and Haseena is her partner now officially, she helped her in difficult time, and now she don't want to take risk of Haseena's life by removing the ring as per her sentiments. So Karishma decided to keep the wedding ring on her hand, as she believes that ring linked to Haseena's life.

Few days are passed and things are going great, Karishma have applied for spouse visa and living happily with Rey and Aarya. She was just waiting for her visa approval, so she can continue her studies. Haseena is doing awesome as always, her gym is doing good and that's all, she wants. Both girls have met only two times after their marriage and that is, for legal documentation and visa purposes. There is nothing more than Hi, Hello between them, still Karishma is mad at Haseena for her comment about her weight. But she knows that, she don't have anything with Haseena, so she calmed her mind by thinking Haseena is no one to her. And both noticed the, off and on rings, where Haseena won't have ring in her hand, and Karishma have ring in her hand. But both chose, to ignore the Ring Facts, as that doesn't matters to anyone

It was a usual Tuesday morning, Reyansh and Aarya have left for their jobs, a sudden click of front door lock, attract Karishma's attention. She thought, it may be Aarya or Reyansh, but it's CAROL, her stepmother. Carol saw Karishma in lobby, ignored her greetings and went straight to her room. Carol is not fond of Karishma, or we can say, she have a huge disliking towards her, she tried to persuade Rey to not invite her to UK, but Rey goes against his mother for his stepsister.

It's dinner time and all four of them are seated at dining table, there's a strange silence in the atmosphere, as Carol is annoyed at Karishma's presence, and Karishma is sad from her stepmother behaviour, and Rey is tensed as well, as he has to tell her mother about Karishma's marriage, and he knows that his mother is not going to like that

"Mom I have something to tell" Rey faced towards Carol.

"If that something important is, about your stepsister, then it's not important to me, so please don't waste my time. And don't waste your time as well on all this" Carol said being rude.

"Mom, she is my stepsister, my dad's daughter and I'm her brother, so she is important to me" Rey placed his hand on Karishma's hand, and gestures her to remain seated, as Karishma is about to get up from her seat.

"Karishma got married to my best friend Haseena, it's not a marriage in true sense, it's like a paper marriage, just for visa purposes. And she is staying here with us from now on, and this is dad's house, so she has equal right on this house as like me. So please I request you, for no more fuss" Rey said, while continuing his hold on his sister's hand, Carol didn't say a single word, left her food and goes to her room.

"Karishma don't think about this a lot, mom is like this, she will be ok with you, it will just take some time. Now, just You go and relax." Aarya told Karishma, as she is helping her with dishes.

Next day, when Reyansh and Aarya left to work Carol decides that, it is the time to show Karishma her place. Carol thinks that, Karishma doesn't belong to this house and Carol is sure, she is not going to let Karishma live in peace.

"Hey girl, listen " Carol called Karishma in loud voice which literally scaring her. "How long you are going to stay here? Don't you think it's too much. You need to do things on your own. You are a grown up, just go out in the world and sort your life. How long you are going to stay like a burden on my son?"

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