"It's important to listen to instructions," Kaizen remarked, recognizing that despite the family's troubled past, Theor was still the family's heir. "If you wish to play, you can do so in the hall."

Upon receiving permission, Theor and the dog happily made their way outside. Kaizen watched them with a softened expression and then turned to his attendant, instructing, "Let the child do as he pleases."

~• 🌼 •~

The hunting lodge was a small mansion, but it exuded grandeur fitting for the emperor's residence.

The main building was connected to the annex at the back by long corridors on both ends. Between these corridors lay a garden with an open ceiling, creating a charming corridor garden.

Theor joyfully sprinted around the corridor, tossing a small ball for the golden dog to chase. The dog energetically retrieved the ball, fostering a lively game of fetch.

Despite his initial trepidation about the stuffed bear, Theor's fear had faded away, replaced by delight at the gift of a big, adorable puppy with golden fur. Although he felt a bit tired from all the running, he had no intention of taking a break, as playing with the dog brought him immense joy.

Knights and attendants bustled about at both ends of the corridor, but none paid Theor any mind or tried to stop his playful antics.

As he petted the dog beside one of the corridor's pillars, Theor recalled Astelle's request to return before dinner.

"Aunt Astelle told me to come back before dinner..."

He pondered whether it was acceptable to stay here. On one hand, he knew that His Majesty the Emperor held great authority, and Astelle had advised him to obey the emperor's commands.

"Well... so I must do what His Majesty tells me to do...?"

Lost in thought, Theor didn't notice that the ball had been blown by the wind and had rolled into the garden. The dog, ever eager to play, dashed after the ball.

"Oh... let's go together!"

Theor hurriedly followed the dog, entering the garden section of the corridor. However, this part had no roof, and as he took a few steps, the rain began to pour, quickly soaking his clothes.

"It's cold..."

Theor shivered as he muttered, trying to adjust his wet clothing. An attendant who had been observing from a distance rushed over to help the rain-drenched child.

Then, Theor returned to the villa with the attendant who had come to help him.

With the child gone outside, the library became quiet. The rain outside continued to pour, preventing any possibility of hunting, leaving Kaizen with no particular tasks at hand.

He sat by the window, savoring the leisurely time. The steady drumming of raindrops on the windowpane provided a soothing backdrop to his thoughts.

Beyond the window, the forest lay shrouded in tranquil darkness. Even in the rain, the trees and foliage maintained their composure.

Amid this serenity, Kaizen couldn't help but think of Astelle, a similarly composed presence in his life.

"Astelle, you were always quietly resolute, weren't you?"

Despite his irritation, he couldn't deny the charm of Astelle's unwavering determination, much like the refreshing allure of the rain-soaked forest.

His thoughts drifted as he continued to contemplate Astelle. Since their reunion, he couldn't help but think about her and the bond they shared.

After a while, Theor returned to the villa, his energy diminished. Kaizen noticed that the child's hair and clothes were damp from the rain.

"What happened out there?" Kaizen asked.

Theor lowered his head and replied, "I was playing with the puppy, and we ran into the part of the corridor without a roof."

Realizing the situation, Kaizen expressed concern. "Oh no, do you have any dry clothes to change into?"

"I apologize, Your Majesty. There are no clothes for the young master here," the servant replied, clearly embarrassed. After all, this villa was not a place that typically accommodated children.

Kaizen contemplated the situation briefly. None of his predecessors had ever brought a child to this place. It was indeed an unusual circumstance.

"I suppose we'll have to dry your clothes then," Kaizen remarked, understanding that there were no immediate alternatives.

Theor settled in front of the fireplace, and the wet dog, his newfound companion, followed suit. The servant fetched a towel to help dry the child, who also reached out to light the fireplace himself.

It was a sight that brought a smile to Kaizen's face. Despite his general indifference to children, he couldn't help but find Theor quite endearing.

The young boy possessed traits reminiscent of Astelle, which wasn't surprising given their familial connection.

Growing up under Astelle's care, he had inevitably absorbed her mannerisms and behaviors. Kaizen couldn't help but contemplate the similarities between the two. It was as if he saw more of Astelle in this child than he had during their ten years as fiancés.

A touch of bitterness welled up within him as he silently acknowledged the connection. It was a sentiment he hadn't anticipated. Though he had no regrets about their separation, the realization struck a chord within him.

When an attendant moved to take Theor to a room, Kaizen intervened, "Let him stay here for now." He watched as Theor carefully dried off the dog, a display of kindness and care that touched his heart.

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