Chapter 26

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"Oh, hello dearest..." Ominis said, plonking his books down at dinner, pecking my cheek, and sitting beside me in the Great Hall.

"Oh, my aren't you a sight for sore eyes," I said relieved, resting my chin in my hand on the smooth wooden table. Even in his undone tie, and slightly disheveled state, he still was the prettiest man I'd ever laid eyes on.

Ominis looked at me, "Sight for sore eyes? Did you have a rough day, darling?", he asked curiously, gently stroking my back.

"You've no clue." I said. "Professor Weasley asked me to tutor a student for the O.W.L.S...I don't think I can handle it...," I confessed.

Ominis began preparing a plate of food for himself. "Well darling, your wellbeing comes first, if you can't handle it, we'll simply tell her it's too much. I'm sure she'll understand.", he reassured, tucking into some chicken with a fork and knife.

"I suppose, will help me?" I asked. "You know I have a hard time refusing favors..."

"Absolutely," he said, devouring his dinner.

"Ah just who I wanted to see," I heard Mrs. Weasley say, she clasped both Ominis' and my shoulders. We looked up at her.

"Hello Professor Weasley," Ominis smiled politely.

"Salutations, Mr, Gaunt. How are you two faring tutoring the other sixth years so far?"

"Quite well, professor. It's a cinch, I'm happy to help in any way I can, though Agatha has something she'd like to say," Ominis said, gently nudging me and nodding with his head towards Weasley.

"Agatha? Are things not going well between you and Mr. Sallow?", she asked.

"Sebastian? Agatha, you didn't tell me you were tutoring Seb!", Ominis perked up. I couldn't risk spilling over and confessing the vile manner Sebastian spoke to me earlier...Ominis nearly cast a curse on Sebastian at the ball...I didn't to risk leading Ominis right into the arms of the Gaunts...they'd be all too happy for Ominis to embrace dark and wicked magic...

"'s's er...just a bit difficult to get him to focus is all....," I said. Perhaps protecting Sebastian would prove to be a stupid move...but I had to protect Ominis from his own temper. After all, he and Sebastian only just rekindled their friendship.

"I do apologize for requiring help from both of you academically this year. Alas, it's been difficult given the stress of last year, though I believe next year should be back to normal. I think our students are still a bit rattled given a Goblin rebellion practically took place in our school, and the parents certainly are not pleased."

"It's no problem, Professor Weasley....," I said with a weak smile. Damn. I really didn't have much choice in this matter now. I simply had to find a way to tutor Sebastian.

Professor Weasley nodded at us, and strolled away, monitoring the Great Hall again.

"Thanks a lot, Ominis." I snorted, gathering my books.

"What?", Ominis innocently looked up from his potatoes, fork, and knife in hand.

"Nothing, you were a great help back there."

"Agatha....?" Ominis called in confusion as I stormed out of the Great Hall.

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