Chapter 8

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"...and what, Ominis?"

"You are beautiful, Aggie."

I stopped smiling. "But you're...."

"Blind, yes, I know. I can still see some shadows, some light, and, even still without all the visuals, I know how beautiful you are, inside and out."

I was unsure of what to do. What to say. I stayed quiet. Ominis paused as well, gazing deeply in my eyes.

"Agatha, could I ask a favor?"

"...anything." There it was again, that heat, it was like an energy, soft but strong enough to make me so weak, I could do nothing but whisper in response.

"Could I...touch your face? I'd like to see if it'd give me a better idea of what you look like."

We sat down on an uncovered bench in the flowers. Ominis turned towards me, his long, thin fingers, gently graced my face.

"Aggie, your forehead," Ominis remarked.

"Is huge, I know."

"No, it's beautiful, no wonder you're so intelligent, it's not large at all you screwball!"

"Haha!" I laughed.

"Now, don't make this all a joke, I'd like to take you all in,"

"Alright, Ominis".

"Your eyes, large, and almond, gosh they must be so beautiful when open. I knew they were. What color are they?", he asked.

"Grey," I told him.

"Describe them, please."

" mother always said they looked like father described them as steel and silver."

Ominis breathed in, "Hmm, silver rainclouds then".

"Yes, they're quite unremarkable," I said.

"They don't sound unremarkable, Agatha..."

Ominis continued, slowly tracing my face with his fingers, down do my lips, and lingered.

I was somehow getting nervous. Should I speak?

"Your lips, they're like... petals. Your cupid's bow is beautifully defined."

Ominis ever so gently placed his hands on each side of my cheeks.

"Your cheeks, you've got wonderful bone structure, but your flesh, is quite plump. The cheeks of a healer...." Ominis sat back. "Your face is divine, my dear."

"Oh, thank you Ominis, you did you know all that?"

"I can tell when a person's energy matches their face. I probably didn't need it to know...."

"Know what?"

"Nothing." Ominis stood up. "You are just simply lovely." Ominis extended his hand and helped me up.

I paused for a moment, and I felt the urge to ask, "Ominis, why did you do all of this...?"

Ominis took a moment to answer...before he said, "Aggie, though we jest...and make jokes about blindness.... I want you to bring color to my world. This world of mine that was such a dark more ways than one...has become brighter...I know I can't see you; I feel as if I see your soul. Your soul is beautiful to me. I didn't quite know how to express it any other way, than to show you what I see, when I'm around you."

"Ominis...that's such a beautiful thing to say...", overwhelmed with emotion.... I pecked his cheek.

Ominis blushed.

I looked in his eyes, "'re truly an amazing friend, Ominis...", I turned to walk away.

As I was walking away, I could have sworn I heard him utter, "...Yes...friend. Of course."

Though, it was probably just my imagination, right?

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