Chapter 3

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We weren't taking the Hogwarts Express back to London. We stepped outside to the Hogwarts Gates, where a sleek black carriage awaited us.

"A carriage? Ominis, there's no Thestrals or horses here." I pondered.

Ominis chuckled. "Yes, I know Agatha. This is a car, it's powered by steam, we won't need horses or thestrals."

"Extroadinary...I've never seen one." I remarked.

"Hm, yes. It's still quite new. I'm not quite sure how it works either to be honest with you. That's my parents for you, though. They always must have the latest and greatest things. They're humiliating. That mechanism hasn't even hit the muggle world yet."

"Oh, don't be embarrassed," I smiled. "It's beautiful".

"Don't tell THEM that!", Ominis scolded as a chauffeur opened the doors of the carriage. Exiting, were Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt.

Mr. Gaunt was a tall, lanky man, with broad shoulders. Impeccably dressed in a bespoke silk suit. His hair was a dark brown, it looked black the way it was slicked back with no hair out of place, much like Ominis. His eyes were dark, you couldn't differentiate his pupils from his irises. He had a very chiseled face, and strong eyebrows. He was as stunning as he was intimidating to look at.

Mrs. Gaunt, however, was shorter, she had golden waves for hair delicately pinned into an updo underneath her extravagant hat. She had a picturesque womanly figure that needed no girdle or bustle. She had rosy, plump cheeks, and eyes that compared to sapphires lost in the Caribbean Ocean. They were what Ominis' eyes may have looked like were it not for the cataracts.

Together, Mister and Missus Gaunt were the epitome of Victorian perfection, and they seemed to know it, too.

"Oh, Ominis!" Mrs. Gaunt cooed as she glided from the carriage to her son. "My darling boy I missed you so!", she pinched Ominis' cheeks.

"Hmph.... you've not missed me enough to send an owl." I overheard Ominis snort at his mother.

Mr. Gaunt looked over at me, and very intently walked over. "Mr. Gaunt, but you can refer to me as Marvolo.", he very firmly shook my hand. "And you are...?"

"Oh, my name is Agatha. Agatha Hinestead."

Marvolo looked at me, and a smile slowly crept across his face. "Agatha...a lovely name. Though, may I call you Aggie? Perhaps Ag? For short?"

"Oh..", finished shaking his hand and looked down, rather embarrassed. "Only my dearest loved ones called me that..."

Marvolo smirked as if he knew more than he let on, "Hmm...not to worry Aggie, I have a feeling you'll be close to us all soon enough,"

"There she is! The infamous Aggie!" Mrs. Gaunt chirped. "Oh, Ominis has talked so much about you!"

"MOTHER!" Ominis gasped in horror.

"Oh, it's alright Omi! You have no clue how long we've waited for you to bring home an actual pure blood girl!", his mother bounced.

"Omi?", I smirked and held in my giggle. I knew Ominis didn't like his parents, but this was a whole new level of understanding.

"I'm just glad he brought home a girl at all!" Marvolo sneered. "Ha! It was about time!"

"Let's get in the car and discuss it more on the way, hm poppet?", his mother squashed herself between myself and Ominis and hugged us like a sandwich, ushering him and I into the car.

The driver pressed a button that made the car invisible like a thestral. One benefit of Ominis' family was seeing their advanced technology. I wondered what else there was to behold among these people.

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