Chapter 18

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The months of bliss passed by. Ominis and I had become well liked as a duo. We'd made more friends together, and our schoolwork was receiving top marks. By the end of our first semester back, our classmates, Ominis, and myself had become quite well adjusted.

One morning in the Great Hall, Ominis and I were eating breakfast. I was noshing on scones and some lavender tea. Natty and Poppy were chattering with anticipation of the sixth-year ball. It hadn't been announced yet, nor had I received my dress. It was already January.

With the devil's luck and timing, an owl started screeching from overhead. Our entire table looked up as a gray barn owl plopped a rather large package onto our table, landing straight into Ominis' porridge.

"Oh!" it splashed on his face, creating an almost "Father Christmas", look. The girls giggled.

"WHA-WHAT are you laughing at? It's not funny!" Ominis pouted.

I held in my laughter, smiling, as I reached across the table, and scooped some of the porridge off his face. I tasted my finger. "Mm! It tastes sweet like you Omi!", I said warmly. Ominis melted, he calmed, and even blushed a little.

"Aww!" Natty and Poppy said in unison.

"What was delivered anyway?", Ominis said, using a napkin to wipe the rest of the porridge from his chin.

"I think it's my dress...for the ball."

"Agatha, you must open it! Poppy exclaimed, "Come on, you've already seen mine!"

I was about to indulge them, when Professor Weasley stood at the podium, raising her hands for us to silence.

"Students! May I have your attention please!"

The room shifted in her direction, and the chatter quieted.

"As you've all been anticipating...we've set a date for the ball!"

Gasps and squeals filled the room.

"I apologize for taking so long to notify you all, we had a few outside students to be approved on the guest list...", Professor Weasley continued.

More gasps and hushed whispers filled the room.

Outside students? I wondered.

Natty leaned in from across the table, "I heard from my mother, it was Sebastian Sallow," she whispered in a conspiratorial tone.

Ominis didn't look thrilled.

"Oh, Merlin..." I rolled my eyes.

"That wasn't...quite the response I was expecting.", Natty said carefully, looking at Poppy.

"We thought you two were friends," Poppy observed my reaction.

It's complicated. I thought.

"It's just...we haven't really spoken since the beginning of last summer. I wrote, but he never wrote back" I told them.

Natty and Poppy both looked shocked.

"Sebastian, troubled as he may be, wouldn't just not write to you." Natty noted.

"Yes, well, I'm not sure. Perhaps he's just focused on staying out of trouble. Have any of you heard from him?", I looked around the table.

Natsai and Poppy both looked at me blankly, unsure if to answer or not.

"I have," Ominis said.

Shocked, I said, "You have?"

"Yes," Ominis replied.

"How often?", I asked.

"Here and there, not as often as he once did. Though I'm sure he wants to stay out of trouble. I wouldn't take it to heart, darling.", Ominis noticed I started welling up with tears. I'd forgotten, he never knew what I'd confessed to Sebastian.

"Excuse me..." I uttered, trying to hold my tears in, just barely making it out of the Great Hall.

I laid against the wall, and crumpled to the floor, sobbing, and burying my head in my arms.

"Aggie!" I heard footseps approach. "Aggie!", someone sat with me, and began to stroke my hair.

I looked up. It was Ominis, he was holding my package.

"Agatha," he asked. "Why are you crying?"

I sniffled," ...Because, for some reason, Sebastian hates me."

"Ag," Ominis reassured, "...nobody could hate you."

He leaned in and hugged me. I continued sobbing.

Ominis spoke again, more carefully this time, "...Aggie, are you in love with him?"

I looked up at him, dried my tears, and spoke.

"No," I said with conviction. "I just don't understand him."

"Darling, neither do I.... Neither do I...", Ominis pulled me in, and I leaned against him. I breathed in his scent again...oud, citrus, and musk. It reminded me of our first time at the shore together. I was home once more.

"Here," Ominis reached to the side. "I brought your dress from the Great Hall, I thought you'd like to open it."

I smiled, looked up at him, and kissed his cheek. "Not yet, my love.", I replied. "Trust me, this will be worth the surprise."

Ominis kissed my forehead and helped me up, "I simply can't wait, my dearest.", he whispered tenderly.

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