Chapter 22 (spice🌶️)

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As a preface, these characters are aged up to 18+

There will be Ominis content, so if you'd like a wholesome version of this chapter, please refer to the (nice) version. 

"Sallow ought to watch his back...,"Ominis whispered with frustration as he lingered in our hug. I looked up at him, "'s not normally like you to speak that way...", I said concerned. Before either of us could speak another word, we turned our heads as we noticed other students trickling out of the Great Hall. The ball must have been winding down.

"Ominis, can we go somewhere more private?" I asked.

Ominis turned his head back towards me, "Of course, my dear, where to?"

"The bell tower," I said.

We walked through Hogwarts as more students filled the halls with noise and others sneaked off to snog outside their dormitories.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the Astronomy Tower? Surely there'll be a niece view for us...we could watch the sun rise." Ominis suggested.

"As lovely as that sounds Ominis, I think we need the seclusion of the Bell Tower." I said, as we continued up the many stairs.

"Oh...seclusion?", Ominis smiled teasingly, tugging my hand mid-stride to pull me in for a kiss.

I giggled as he flirtatiously swung me towards him. I kissed him back passionately, it felt so good to be with him...I could taste his desire in his very breath. At this rate, we'd be lucky to make it to the Bell Tower before sunrise.

"Mmm, Ominis darling...we've got to make it to the tower..."

He gently kissed me again and said breathily, "I know...I just want all of bad right now..."

I smiled took his hand, and we proceeded to the Bell Tower.

We sat on the top of the stairs, tucked away behind the bells, high up in the tower. The bells faintly chimed as I sighed, preparing myself for what I was about to say.

"Well, we're certainly alone now, why the need for such privacy?" Ominis asked, taking my hand, kissing my open palm, and rubbing my arm.

"Ominis, I need to tell you something, I'm just not sure where to start..."

"Oh Merlin! I was a terrible dancer, wasn't I? I must've humiliated you! I-look, I'm sorry, I'm a bit rusty on my ballroom choreography...." Ominis started nervously chattering. He was so cute when he was nervous.

I giggled. "No, Ominis, your dancing was wonderful, I promise."

"Oh, good." Ominis sighed with relief.

"I need to tell you's about your father, Marvolo."

Ominis tensed up at his father's name. "Gods....", he looked down and to the side...his expression couldn't hide that his mind was racing.

"Ominis...I'm not quite sure how to say this, but...while we were in France this summer...your father said something absolutely dreadful..." I looked down, I could feel the same stinging tears I felt that night well in my eyes again.

Ominis sensed what I was feeling, sliding his arm under the back of my dress, and tracing my back with his fingers. ".... what is it, my love...? What troubles you so?", he whispered.

"You'll hate me....", I choked.

Ominis leaned close, turning his whole body towards me. He nuzzled his face into my neck, kissing it gently, and sucking bits of my flesh. "I could never hate you," he whispered into my ear, delicately kissing my earlobe and cheek. "That is my promise, darling...together forever..."

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