16 | down the rabbit hole.

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One of the most frightening phone calls you can receive as a mother is the one that informs you your child was taken to the emergency room.

Forty-five minutes ago I got that call and it has taken me until now to get to the hospital.
The traffic couldn't have been worse, and the entire time I was in the car my heart raced through my chest.

Despite receiving updates from Gracie and the hospital that Kenzie had gained consciousness fairly quickly and was apparently on her third cup of jello from the cafeteria, the sickening sensation in my stomach would not settle.

Understanding that the situation has most likely frightened Kenzie a little, I try my best to keep it together as I approach her room in the hospital, but the second I lay eyes on her I can't help the tears that begin to fall.

"Kenz," I breathe, dropping my purse on the chair next to her bed and taking the spot where Gracie was sitting beside her.

"Hi, Mom," she mumbles, tears welling in her own eyes as she meets my gaze.
I place a hand on the back of her head and pull her close to my chest. "How are you feeling, babe?"

"I'm okay now," she explains, voice muffled by the fabric of my jacket. "It was so weird. I just felt super light-headed all of a sudden, but the doctor said that the baby is fine which is the most important thing." She looks up at me with an anxious expression. "He said that it was probably caused by a drop in my blood pressure because it had been too long since I'd eaten, and the smell of the paint would have had an effect on top of that, but he's just waiting for my blood test results now."

I comb my fingers through her hair and tuck the loose strands behind her ears. "Alright, Kenz. Everything will be okay." I wipe away my tears and take a breath. I attempt to pull her into a hug once again, only this time she resists. My eyebrows draw together as I watch her big green eyes begin to water.

"I'm so sorry, Mom," she breaks out into a fit of tears and slumps her head onto my shoulder.

I'm entirely confused as to why she's apologising, but nonetheless, pull her close and press my lips to the top of her head. I look to Gracie for any insight, but she just shrugs, a concerned look on her face.

"Why are you sorry, babe?"

"I feel so ashamed," she cries.

"About what, Kenz? You're okay, you haven't done anything wrong."

I don't get an answer. Seconds later, her doctor steps into the room. "Hi Miss Johansson, I'm Doctor Frasier. Would I be able to speak with you for a moment?"

At the sound of his voice, Kenzie clings on tighter and quietly begins to profusely apologise. I'm oblivious to what it is that she may have done, but I have the feeling I'm about to find out.

"Kenz, look at me," I order in a gentle manner. Softly, I place my hands on her cheeks and lift her head from my shoulder. I wipe her tears away with the pads of my thumbs as I send her a soft smile. "Whatever has got you so upset, I promise that it's going to be alright, okay?"

She nods, her lips quivering.

"I'm just going to speak to your doctor for a moment, but when I'm back we can talk and have lots of cuddles. Does that sound good?"

LABYRINTH II | Scarlett Johansson x DaughterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora