3 | so numb.

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I was in two minds about letting Kenzie have Oliver around for a couple of hours this afternoon. I really worry about her putting herself in certain environments too soon, but I have to start trusting that she knows what she's doing.
However, throughout the entirety of the morning, I couldn't shake the feeling something was going to go wrong. I assumed I was just anxious, now I realise that wasn't it and I should have listened to my gut and stood my ground after I'd originally told her no.

"Fucking hell, Kenzie. Glad to know you're back to making decisions and not having a care in the world about how they affect me."
The booming sound of Oliver's voice echos from down the hall, prompting me to jump out of my office chair and head into the living room where I last saw the two of them. I don't even manage to get two steps out of the study before the front door is slammed shut and when I finally do reach my destination, the room is empty. I assume it was Oliver that walked out but I don't have a clue as to where Kenzie has disappeared to.

"It's all your fault. It's all your fault. I hate you. I fucking hate you."

Without a second thought, I follow the sound of her fragile voice through to the kitchen where I finally find her beside the stove...with a knife pressed against her wrist.
My eyes blow wide and a gasp falls past my lips, the sight breaking my heart entirely.

"You deserve this. You're so fucking selfish."

As I quickly yet carefully approach, a sheet of water blurs my vision. "Kenz, sweetheart, can you give me the knife please? You don't need to do that."

My words are spoken in a whisper, wary to not startle her. Despite my presence, she doesn't respond. In fact, I'm not even sure she hears me and if she does, my words have gone in one ear and out the next as she only draws more blood. She's going to end up needing stitches if I don't stop her, so I slowly reach for the knife and individually unwrap each of her fingers from the tight grip she has on the handle.
With her gaze fixated on her wrist, I successfully manage and place the sharp object in the sink before reaching for the kitchen towel and holding it over the wound.

"Are you with me, babe?" I question. Her expressionless face and lack of movement worries me entirely.
When she doesn't answer, I gently turn her by the shoulder and grab ahold of her uninjured wrist to momentarily replace my hand with hers on the towel, enabling me to lift her onto the counter.

Whilst waiting for the bleeding to stop, I make an attempt to reassure her that everything will work out and that she'll be okay. Seemingly though, she's in some shock so I'm not entirely sure I was any help or if my words were even heard.
Once I know for a fact she's stopped bleeding, I reach across to the island and open up the medicine drawer to take out the roll of gauze and some pain relief before getting out a clean dish cloth from the cabinet under the sink.

I'm able to clean up her wound fairly quickly, and once I secure the bandage and put everything back in it's place, Kenzie finally meets my gaze. Tears are rolling down her cheeks, but her expression remains blank.
"Mommy, I feel so numb."

I swallow the lump in my throat and let out a deep breath. "Oh, sweetheart, what can I do to help? Talk to me."
She takes a moment to think before responding in an almost inaudible whisper. "Can you hold me, please?"
"Of course. Do you want to get down and have a cuddle on the couch?"
She nods. "Will you carry me?"
"I can try," I say with a soft smile, hooking my arms underneath her knees as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Come on, big girl."

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