4 | fifty days sober.

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The weekend left me feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally, so with Sam and Ryan's permission I decided to take Monday off of school. I had my weekly session with Doctor Glassford during what would have been my second lesson anyways and that in itself required a ton of effort to attend.

Throughout the rest of the week I managed to get myself to a few AA meetings and use my free periods to catch up to what the rest of the students in my Math class are learning all whilst avoiding Oliver. I only caught eye of him once in the hallway but was quick to turn in the other direction before he noticed me. I think it will be a while before I'm able to speak to him again, if the opportunity even arises.

Today Scarlett picked me up during fifth period to take me to my ultrasound appointment, although I probably could have stayed until the class was over since the doctor was running behind schedule.
I sat anxiously in the waiting room for nearly thirty minutes before I was called in and I couldn't tell if the need to be sick was caused by nerves or the fetus I have growing inside of me, but fortunately it soon passed once I was comfortable on the examination couch, clasping onto Scarlett's hand as the obstetrician squeezed a generous amount of the freezing cold gel onto my bare stomach.

If a stranger saw me in a tight shirt they'd probably think I'd just eaten a big bowl of pasta, but a tiny bump is starting to show below my belly button now.

Using the device in her hand, the doctor slowly spreads the gel across my lower stomach, her eyes focus solely on the monitor as I watch her expression intently.
Not that I've admitted it aloud to anybody, but ever since I found out I was pregnant I've been afraid that something would was going to be wrong because of my recent struggle with addiction.

"Alright, Kenzie, everything looks good." The brunette uses her free hand to turn the monitor in my direction. "Here is your uterus," she moves the transducer lower, pointing at the screen, "and here is the baby. You're reading at exactly eleven weeks and five days."

With a sense of relief, I prop myself up on my elbows to get a closer look at the screen. I almost feel guilty about the tears of joy that gloss over my eyes. I'm not supposed to be happy in this situation, I'm sixteen with no job and unstable mental health.

"Are you able to hear the heartbeat yet?" I ask, glancing up at Scarlett to see what kinda of reaction she has to my question.
Squeezing my hand, she sends me a smile and places a kiss on top of my head.

"Sure can, give me a second." The doctor turns the screen back around. "Have you discussed your options or would you like to now?"
"That's okay, I already know."
"Alright then," she answers with a single nod and a small smile before the sound of the heartbeat echos through the room.

I take in a deep breath, my lips curling into a wide smile as a tear rolls down my cheek.

Fifteen minutes later I crawl into the passenger seat of the car, buckle up my seatbelt and place the paperwork and images I was given up on the dash.

"So," Scarlett starts, turning her keys in the ignition, "have you decided on a verdict?"

The question makes my heart race. I've never been one for caring too much of what other people think of me, but Scarlett is an exception. Gracie too. I don't want to let either of them down and I'm afraid that whatever my decision, they'll be disappointed in me.

LABYRINTH II | Scarlett Johansson x DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now