10 | tearing us apart.

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I cried for twenty minutes after the situation in the kitchen and Gracie had her arms around me the entire time.
My pregnancy hormones make things that I usually would be able to brush aside a lot harder to do so, and embarrassed doesn't even begin to explain how I felt losing my temper in front of her.

When I got a grip on myself and emerged from my bedroom, Gracie made sure I had a glass of water before we joined Marty and Asha in the living room again.
Being right beside the kitchen, the would have heard it all so I'm incredibly appreciative of the fact that neither of them brought it up or even so much as gave me a look.

Seemingly, Matthew had already left—or been kicked out.
I had zero clue as to where Scarlett had disappeared too though so I told my friends that I needed to use the bathroom but instead I went looking.
I knew she wasn't in her bedroom because when I came out of mine, her door was open. She wasn't in the kitchen either, nor her study but after a little more searching, I finally spotted her out on the back patio with a glass of wine in her hand as she stared blankly at the rustling trees behind the grassed area.

She didn't notice me standing on the other side of the sliding glass door where I spent several moments wondering whether or not I should go out and apologise for being so harsh.
Don't get me wrong, I feel like it needed to be said but I could have gone about it in a much better way.
After some time, I decided not to interrupt the thought that she was so clearly deep in and instead I returned to my friends and Gracie, and resumed watching 'Twilight'.

Five films and several hours later, Marty, Asha and Gracie had all fallen asleep. Gracie on the couch across from me, and Marty and Asha on the mattress we dragged in from the downstairs guest room.
As for me, I sat awake and watched as the clock on the wall ticked.
My insomnia has been terrible this past week, and whether it's been caused by my pregnancy or not, it's beginning to do my head in. I've been finding myself increasingly uncomfortable and my body is desperately craving a good nights sleep but my eyes don't seem to want to stay shut for more than half an hour at a time.

At exactly three-twenty-two A.M., I get startled by the sudden appearance Scarlett makes at the entrance of the living room.
Thank goodness that I turned one of the lamps on - I would have been scared shitless otherwise.

"Hey," she speaks in a quiet voice, leaning against the doorframe and sending me a small smile. "What are you still doing up?"

I take a breath and shrug. "I can't get comfortable."

Her expression softens as she gestures her hand to the space beside me. "Can I sit?"
I nod and when she takes a seat, I pull the extra blanket over her legs before resting my head on her shoulder.
"Why don't you go up to your own bed, babe? I'm sure they won't mind."

"I might have to if I want any sleep. I just feel bad for leaving Gracie in here but I also don't want to wake her, she looks so peaceful," I admit, glancing over at the redhead. "I'll give it until four, and if I'm not asleep by then I'll go up to my room."

"Alright, sweetheart," she places a kiss on my head and wraps an arm around my back.

I hum and take a moment to gather my thoughts before saying; "I'm sorry."

She pulls me closer and squeezes my shoulder. "Me too. I didn't go about any of it in the right way and I'm sorry for not realising how much the situation was affecting you. I think a part of me just wanted it to work out so badly. I wanted you to have a normal family, but I was so blindsided by what I wanted that I couldn't see that it was doing to complete opposite and only tearing us apart. I saw the potential of something that could have been," she takes a breath, "but, kiddo, you can't settle for the potential of someone. They either are, or they're not, and it sucks but that's the reality."

My three A.M. brain is slow so I take a moment and let her words process before I lift my head and look to her. "Did you break up?"
A long sigh falls past her pursed lips. "Yeah, Kenz," her tone is laced with sadness. "I called it off."

I nod, a sad smile resting on my lips. "Are you okay?"

"I am."
The tears in her eyes tell me otherwise so I tilt my head and give her a look.
She giggles lightly and wipes her eyes with her sleeve. "I will be. It's just an adjustment, you know? But I know it's for the best."

Unsure of how else to provide any sense of comfort, I tightly wrap my arms around her body and place several small kisses on her face. "I love you lots, Mom."

"I love you too, babe."

The two of us fall into a moment before she pats my thigh. "Why don't you try and get some—"

"Ouch!" A sudden pain in my ribs caused me to raise my voice slightly. I pull away for the hug and hold my hands where it hurts.
"What? Are you okay?" Scarlett's voice is laced with concern. So is her expression as she sits up straight and places a hand on my shoulder.

"I think the baby just kicked."

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