[I'm Not Okay - ❤️⚠️]

60 1 0

- Romantic DaiSuga
️ - Heavy Angst
- Self Harm
- Blood


It was a weekend night and Daichi was home alone. Him being alone, especially after a stressful week, was never a good thing. He was prone to falling into depressive episodes and hurting himself. 

That's exactly what was happening that night. He was on his bed, practically screaming because his arms felt like they were on fire and all he wanted to do was cut. 

When Suga found out this was happening, he made Daichi promise that he'd call him when he got into these episodes. No matter where he was or what time it was, Suga would be there if he was able to. 

Daichi picked up his phone, tears still spilling from his face as he called Sugawara. 

"Hey, babes, what's up?" Suga answered the phone almost right away. 

"How soon can you get here?" He cried. 

"Ten minutes. What's going on? Talk to me, love." Suga hurried around, getting an overnight bag thrown together and his keys before heading out the door. 

"I'm not okay. I'm really not." Daichi bawled. 

"I'm on my way, stay on the line with me." Suga said. He practically started to sprint over to Daichi's place. He knew how bad these episodes could get. 

"Suga, please…please hurry." Daichi cried more. 

Suga stayed on the phone with him until he walked into Daichi's bedroom. He pulled him right into his arms, trying to comfort him. 

"I'm here, love. It'll be alright." Suga spoke calmly. Sugawara was good at being calm in situations like these somehow. Probably because he knew getting worked up himself wouldn't help the other person in the slightest. 

Daichi was not in a good headspace, not at all. He almost didn't care that Suga was there, he wanted to slice through his wrists. 

That's eventually what he did. He pulled himself from Suga's arms and went to his backpack for his pocket knife. 

"Daichi, don't do it. You know you don't want to." Suga tried to convince him, but he couldn't. He flipped open the knife and started dragging it across his skin. He cried harder, hating that he was even doing this in front of his boyfriend but also needing a release of some kind. 

Suga rushed over to him, grabbed his arms, and pulled them away from each other. He had to physically stop Daichi from hurting himself. 

"Baby, come on. You know you can fight this. Drop the knife." Suga pleaded. Daichi struggled against him, which wasn't something that happened often. Usually, Daichi was the stronger of the two. But tonight he was mentally and physically exhausted, he really didn't have much fight left in him.

Knowing he couldn't struggle anymore, he dropped the knife to the ground and collapsed into Suga's arms in a fit of sobs. Suga just held onto him, running his fingers through Daichi's hair and saying whatever he could to try and keep him calm.  

"Here, let me see your arm." Suga said once Daichi calmed down a little. He wanted to see how bad the few cuts he made were. 

Luckily there weren't many, but the few he made looked decently deep. Not deep enough to need stitches, but his arms would be wrapped up for a week at the very least. Suga led him to the bathroom and cleaned the cuts and wrapped his arms up for him before going back to his room and cleaning the floor and the knife. Sugawara ended up taking the knife, this way Daichi wouldn't have an easy tool to use next time he falls into an episode. 

"I'm sorry…" Daichi looked at the ground. 

"Don't apologize, the only thing I care about right now is that you're alright." 

"I love you. So much." Daichi said, clinging his arms around Suga like a child. Suga held him in his arms, rubbing small circles on his back. 

"I love you too." Suga smiled a bit. He'd hold Daichi in his arms for as long as he needed to. 

Soon, Suga heard soft snores coming from his boyfriend that was still in his arms. He carefully moved him to his bed and then crawled in next to him, soon falling asleep as well.

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