[Beach Volleyball - ❤️☁️]

45 1 0

- Romantic SakuAtsu
☁️ - Fluff


It was a gorgeous summer day. The sun was out, no clouds, and it was super warm. The Miya twins decided it was the perfect day to go to the beach. What better way to spend a day like this? 

The boys packed up their beach bags and then left the house, each of them tossing a pair of earbuds in and playing some music. 

On the walk there, they kept seeing signs for a tournament at the beach. What kind of tournament? Beach volleyball. It's different from what they're used to, yes, but it could still be a fun thing to try out. 

According to the fliers, they'd be paired with their partner at random. Not ideal, but also not a deal breaker. The boys decided to hurry up and get to the beach so they could sign up for the tournament.  


When they got to the beach, the first thing they did was hop right into the registration line. They saw a few familiar faces around; Hinata from Karasuno, Oikawa from Seijoh, Kuroo and Kenma from Nekoma, and Sakusa from Itachiyama. Atsumu was most excited to see Sakusa there, even more excited than seeing the carrot top. He didn't know who he wanted paired up with more now, Carrot top or Omi. 

Eventually, the twins got registered and were sent to mingle with the other contestants while others registered. The twins talked to some people, but eventually they split up. Atsumu found his way over to Sakusa. 

"Hey, long time no see, Omi-Omi." Atsumu teased as he came up behind him. 

"Hey, didn't expect to see you here." Sakusa turned to face Atsumu. 

"Yeah, 'Samu and I were coming to the beach anyway and saw fliers for this thing and thought it could be fun. Hopefully I'm paired with you. Carrot top from Karasuno is here too somewhere." Atsumu smiled. 

"Yeah, I saw him and his boyfriend earlier." 

"Wait, he's dating number nine now? Did not expect that." 

"Yeah, no one did. They're cute together, though." Sakusa said. He was smiling behind that mask of his. 

"You seeing anyone?" Atsumu asked. He was curious, only because he wanted a chance with him. 

"No, haven't found the right person yet. You?" Sakusa asked. 

"Nope, not yet. I'm sure the right person is close though." He smirked. He was attempting to flirt, but it was totally failing. 

It continued like that until pairs started being announced. Atsumu failing at flirting with Sakusa and Sakusa standing there taking it. 

He wasn't gonna lie though, as shitty as the flirting was, Sakusa was kinda into it. 

Eventually, pairs were being announced. Atsumu ended up paired with Sakusa, luckily. Osamu ended up paired up with Oikawa, of all people. That should be an interesting match. 

While they waited for their match, Sakusa and Atsumu sat on the sidelines watching. The first match ended up being Oikawa and Osamu against Kuroo and Kageyama. This was definitely gonna be a fun match to watch. 

Ya know, if the boys were even watching it. Sakusa and Atsumu were goofing off, which was new for Sakusa. Atsumu brought out the best in him. 

"Atsumu, just go on a date with me already. Your flirting is so bad it's giving me a headache." Sakusa laughed a bit. 

"O-oh…I mean, yeah. I'm down to go out on a date. When and where, Omi-Chan?" 

"I mean, after the tournament we can go grab food somewhere if you'd like?" Kiyoomi suggested. 

"I'd be ditching 'Samu." 

"We can plan for another day, whatever works for you." 

"I'll talk to 'Samu after the match, if he's cool with me ditching him then you and I can go do something." Atsumu smiled. He wanted to grab Sakusa's hand, but also knew Sakusa was a bit of a germaphobe, so he hesitated. 



"Can I hold your hand?" Atsumu asked. 

"Man, you must really like me. This is the first time you've asked permission to touch me." Kiyoomi laughed as he grabbed Atsumu's hand. 

"I do, Kiyoomi. I really do like you." Atsumu smiled as he looked down at their intertwined hands.

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