Chapter 2- Battling emotions

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Navratri is now over. The nine nights of so called "fun" is over too! Back to the boring routine. I woke up feeling almost dizzy as I was drinking my 'sorrows' away last night, trying to get rid of my intrusive thoughts but I had loads of tasks to skip work today. My driver was driving me to the ISRO headquarters, and I as always am very late. I was looking outside the window, feeling the cold breeze hit my face. As I sat back comfortably, I received a call. A call from my mom. She wanted me to return home early today. Why? Well, I have no idea. My parents are in charge of my life, the beholders, because honestly I have no interest in living, yes lol I live for them. I wasn't always like this, but one dark night changed my life drastically. I miss my jolly self, but there's nothing much I could do to help. Thinking about yet another boring day, I reached my workplace and started working. ~~~

I am tired. I have no energy. I just wanna lay back, and relax. But as soon as I enter the house, I see a couple of people in the hall and a familiar face. "Weren't you the one who took a selfie with me that night?" I asked the girl. She just nodded in response. I move further inside and see a couple in their mid thirties sitting and looking at me tip to toe. I do feel weird to be honest, but soon I decide to sit beside my mom. "Who are they?" I asked being seated.

"Nischay, relax. They are here to see you" Mumma replied.

"Mummy, I don't even know them! Why are they here to see me? I don't get it. WHO ARE THEY?" I demanded.

"They are here to see you for marriage" Mom announced.

"What? But I barely know her.. And you know I don't want to get married right? I am not getting married to someone CHEAP like her." I gritted my teeths and emphasized on the word "cheap" more. I don't care if she thinks it was rude, I wasn't the one who asked her to get married with me. And I don't even know her. Hell nah this ain't happening.

Why did he call me cheap? I ain't that bad looking. This somehow hurted me because I obviously had a crush on him. And moreover, nobody likes listening to such harsh words. I felt a little embarrassed at him saying this. But soon I decided to say something.

"Mom, dad. Let's leave. I ain't getting married to a stone hearted bitch" I replied in a bossy tone and stood up.

"Go away, and don't ever show me that damn ugly face of yours, dumb lady" Nischay replied coldly. This hot face of his is of no use if his insides are cold and his heart is hollow. I clench my fist and start walking towards the door when I heard an apology.

"Beta, I am really sorry. Nischay is quite young to understand what's good or bad for him. Please dont leave. We're ready for this marriage"

"But mom-" He interrupted.

"No buts, this is final. It's for your own good." His mom scolded.


"Y/n, are you ready? Is it a yes?" Dimple aunty ignored Nischay, I feel bad for him.

"Not yet aunty, it's just one meet. I need some time" I finally said something.

"SEE MOM, I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED TO SOMEONE I DON'T LIKE. AND IF YOU FORCE ME, I'LL GO FAR FARRR AWAY; UNDERSTAND?" Nischay literally barked on his mother before going to his room.

"Aunty, we'll leave now, take care of yourself. And don't worry about me, you're the best person I know, if your son is ready then I am ready for the marriage too. But one thing is for sure, if he's not ready, you'll not force him. He's already depressed and you should not depress him more. Bye, have a good day" I said as politely as possible before I closed the door behind.

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