(Thanks, child. May God bless you)

I took the box and stepped back inside. I reached my room, locked the door and started to untie the ribbons on the box. I unwrapped it immediately and opened it to see the most beautiful Black dress I have ever laid eyes on. It was a floor length, deep necked gown which slits and cuts at the perfect places. The satin silk fabric was the softest I ran my hands over.

But who sent it for me?

I examined the box again to find some hint of the person who sent it. I spotted a small folded letter stuck on the inner side of the box. I removed it from there and unfolded it.

I know the dress is not even a percent as beautiful as you.
But Please bless my choice tonight, and be ready by seven,
Mio Fiore 💗

The moment I read the words, I knew who the sender behind this dress was. But why did he send me a dress? And what is the occasion tonight? I tried to find some other letter or clue so I could figure it out but there was nothing. I huffed in defeat and thought to call him. I picked up my phone and dialled his number.

The number you are trying to dial is currently switched off. Please try again later.

I dialled again but received the same response.


I looked at the wall clock behind me and saw that it was four in the evening. I have three more hours to get ready. Without thinking much, I quickly went to shower. I stripped off my clothes and turned on the faucet. Hot water fell on my bare body, relaxing my tensed posture. My mind wandered at all the possibilities that could be the reason for the dress. Thousand different scenarios, thousand different possibilities but none satisfied me.

I shaved myself properly because no one knows what we are getting ready for.

I turned off the faucet, dried myself and came out of the washroom in my robe. It was quarter to five that leaves me with two hours fifteen minutes to get ready. I think I can make it in time.

I sat in front of the mirror and dried my wet hair. I looked at my pale face which clearly showed how much I fucked my sleep in the past few days. Since, this date or dinner or party or whatever was gonna be a night event, I decided to do bold makeup. It took me around an hour to finish it. A dark red lip and little smokey eye, perfectly enhanced cheekbone and sharp jawline made me look enchanting.

After that I did my hair in loose curls which took me more than half an hour to curl and set. Now, it was time to change. I went towards my cupboard and took a pair of matching black lace lingerie. Ofc, I want to look my best and I have to be prepared for anything coming my way. The bra was very deep necked so it went well with the dress. I quickly changed into my lingerie and then picked up the dress. I looked at it one last time adoringly before finally wrapping myself in it. The way it fit my upper body curves perfectly and flowed all the way down from the waist with a high slit on the left side made me look at in awe.

I walked my way to the mirror and stood in front of it. I looked at myself and this new me didn't look pale, insecure or weak anymore. In fact, I looked strong, confident and Beautiful.For a moment, I couldn't believe that the person standing in the mirror was me. The hairstyle, makeup and the dress went so perfectly with each other that it made me feel pretty. But there was something missing and I knew exactly what I needed.

I went to my closet and picked up a beautiful diamond necklace. It was designed in a very simple but elegant way and it went just perfectly with the whole look. The matching diamond earrings did all the justice to the look. I took my favourite butterfly bracelet and wore it, the day when I lost it and he found it came to my mind and I smiled at the memory. I picked up matching black heels and completed the look.

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