Part 8

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Tae eyes teard up again, looking at the gift he gave to jungkook on his 5th birthday


" hyungie, tell me na what gift your will gibe me," kookie said. Jungkook pouted

" Wait for cake cutting, bubba, " tae said softly while smiling, looking at jungkook Pouty's face

" B-but it so much time i wanna see," kookie said sadly and was about to go when tae picked him in his arms

" i you wait a bit, you will be more happy bubba," tae said softly, and jungkook nodded

" otay," jungkook said, tae smiled and ruffled his hair

At cake cutting time

" Gifts, i wanna open gifts jungkook said excitedly, and everyone chuckled

" okay bunny " Mrs. Lee said and started to give him gifts one by one

Jungkook opened all the gifts happily

" woahhhh, these are so pretty prewtty hyungie," kookie said, smiling widely

" Here is my gift for my bun bun," tae said and passed him a box

Jungkook quickly opened the box and looked at the gift, and his eyes widened with happiness

( The band has written " hyungie love  where is a cupcake there is a pic made of resin art )

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( The band has written " hyungie love  where is a cupcake there is a pic made of resin art )


Thank you sho much hyungie i lobe yoo so.mucchbhhhb," kookie said and hugged tae neck tightly

" Do you like it, bubba?" tae asked softly, jungkook nodded, playing with the charms

Jungkook loves collecting charms, so tae thought it would be good to gift him one with their pic in it

" See hyungie, you and me," kookie said and pointed at the small pic while giggling, and tae smiled and pecked his forehead softly

When jungkook got in accidents, he still had that charm in his pocket,
When mrs. Lee took him with her, and she threw the charms cause it was completely destroyed. Only the pic was okay, but it was full of dust

One night

Jungkook was crying in his room when mrs. Lee was not taking him to his e-eomma

" e-eomma, a-appa h-hyungie i miss you plzzz come backk " jungkook said crying hard he then remember the charm he put his hand in his pocket but it was not there

" m-my c-charmss," jungkook mumbled and looked for it everywhere

He went out and searched everywhere but couldn't find it
He was again going in his room when he saw something shiny in dustbin and look at it and it was his chamrs

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