Part 5

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A few days have  passed, and jungkook Aunt hasn't come back home. It was her routine to go out occasionally and come bad after 3 to 4 days
Jungkook was just in his room, preparing for his exam peacefully. He couldn't go outside cause his aunt always locked the house

It was 6:13 am in the morning jungkook hear front door opened he knew his aunt was home
He quickly put his uniform on and packed his bag, and went out to make breakfast

He quickly made breakfast and went in his aunt room

" Here is your breakfast," jungkook said and put the food on the side table 

" get the fuck out of my room i dont wanna see your dirty face !!!!!!! " she spoke loudly and turn her face to other side and start to look at her phone

Jungkook did not even flinch he was used to it he knew it was gonna happen when ever she came from night out she would always yell at him and if he did a small mistake she would beat him
He knew today he needs to be extremely careful if he didn't want anything from her

Jungkook just took his bag and goes out off the house

With tae

Tae was making his breakfast when his phone rang

" yeah " tae said plainly

" sir we found the information " the officer said

" okay wait whattt!!! " tae said and put the knife down

" yeah sir i send you details, when should we go there " the officer askedd

" now no i mean today itself " tae said determinedly

" okay sir i will get ready the team, what time " officer asked

" 3 pm sharp " tae said smiling

" okay " officer said ans cut the call

" okayy finally something is going right but i still need to find jungkook problem " tae mumbles and put his breakfast in a plate

He ate his breakfast and goes to school

In school jungkook was preparing for his test when do yoon came to him

" jungkook " do yoon said smiling

" yeahh doyoon " jungkook said and look at him with his innocent doe eyes

" mr choi said he need some files from his office can you give him " do yoon said politely

" umm okay but why don't you give " jungkook asked curiously

" umm a-actually i twist my ankle yesterday dr said not to go upstairs, so i though you would do it, " do yoon said sadly and jungkook nodded and look at his foot

" if you dont want to then it okay i somehow go upstairs " do yoon said as he was about to go when jungkook stop him

" i will go you sit here " jungkook said smiling and goes upstairs

" dumb!! , you will see now what i will I do " do yoon said smiling evily he got up and start to go towards the staff room

Here jungkook goes in the room and start to look for the paper

" he didn't specify what papers " jungkook thought but then he opened  a drawer which has there today papers

" umm what are these " jungkook thought and took the papers out but suddenly

" JUNKOOK what are you doing here !!!! " mr choi spoke angryly while standing the room door

" s-sir y-you asked for p-papers " jungkook said innocently

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