Part 7

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Tae hurriedly ran towards jungkook room his heart was beating fast he was about to open the door when he stopped, and when he heard some voices from inside

Tae calmed himself down and opened the door

" Mam, i am okay. i wanna go home. My mom will be worried," jungkook said. Try to remove the iv line, but the nurse was stopping him

" jungkook," tae called softly jungkook, looked at him with teary eyes

" Sir, why are you here ?? " jungkook asked, confused
Tae thought not to tell him his real identity

" i got to know something happened with you and you are in hospital so i can to check on you, you dont like me coming here hmm " tae said softly and took jungkook hands in his nurse again tapped the iv and tae made him lay

" N-no, i was surprised, Sir c-can you plzz request noona to let me go i am okayy " jungkook said lowly he didn't remember what exactly happened

" jungkook, when you will be fine, she will let you goo okay," yae said softly while rubbing his hand with his thumb

" jungkook, can i ask you something?" tae asked politely, and jungkook looked at him with doe eyes

" Can you tell me why you didn't tell anyone what was happening with you?" tae asked softly, and jungkook looked down

" No need to force buddy, think off me as your friend hmm not as you professor," tae said softly
But jungkook didn't speak

" Okay, leave it, tell me are you hungry," tae asked, and jungkook still didn't say anything he was continuously looking down

Tae knew he was still hesitant to let anyone come close to him

" Do you want a hug? " tae asked softly, and jungkook looked at him with doe eyes

Tae sat in front of him and hugged him gently and started to pat his head soflty

" Relax, jungkook, it's okay. i know it was bad, hmm, but it's over now. You are safe now hmm relax i am with you, relax." tae was saying soothing world in his ears
While rubbing his head softly

Tae could feel jungkook little sniffing he was trying hard not to burst out

" jungkookah, you can cry. i know it was hard. Think of me as your hyung, as your friend, " tae was saying these words when jungkook completely broke down in his arms
Crying badly

Tae didn't say anything he was still hugging the poor boy who, after years, got some comfort

Tae eyes were also crying silently he knew it was jungkook his heart was saying, but to be sure, he decided to do a DNA test so he could tell jungkook the truth with proof
It would be a little easy for jungkook to understand the whole situation

It's been a whole 20-minute

" jungkook, are you okay now?" tae asked softly while rubbing his back
But jungkook didn't respond

Tae gently broke the hug and found the boy deep asleep he was looking peaceful now

" My Kookie went through a lot," tae said with a crack voice and peck jungkook forehead softly and made him lay on the bed again

He covered him properly with the duvet and went out again

Tae went to the lab to give blood for DNA test
Then he decided to call yoongi he wanna let everything out his heart was aching but happy at the same time

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