Chapter 36

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Melody's POV

Adjusting my spectacle, I focused on my tasks on hand.

I had been wearing my spectacle since last week. Lots of people recognises me and somehow, I feel that my glasses can hide my identity.

It had been a busy week; Daniel's schedules were packed with interviews and meetings. Since winning the best actor award last weekend, many brands had approached us. They wanted Daniel to be the spokesperson for their brand. Some existing partners wants to extend their contract with us; some new brands are looking for opportunities to work with him. I need to screen through each of them and submit a report to Jared. Then, he will discuss with Daniel to see which brand he is interested to take on.

Daniel has a clean reputation over the years. He doesn't involve in scandals, or drugs, or whatever bad stuffs that will jeopardise his career. His professionalism in this industry is well-known; people like to work with him. To add on to his resume, he had many awards on hand. Both in movie and music.

He will be free after this month; his work will lighten after the final decision being made for his album. I know he has plans to take me on a holiday. He wants to keep it a secret on where would the location be. I do not mind the destination, as long as he is with me. I would go anywhere with him.

Jo had reminded me again on the talk I should have with Daniel. The awards ceremony was over and I would need to talk to him soon. Last night, I finally mustered up my courage and told him that I have things that I would need to tell him. We had plans to talk over dinner tonight.

By the time I had completed the list of brandings for Jared, I had realised it was lunchtime. The office was almost empty. Most of the colleagues had already left the office for their meal. I have decided to just grab a sandwich from the café two blocks down. I still have tons of work to do and I didn't know what time will the meeting be done for Daniel. Plus, I am very nervous. I just hope that the talk tonight will go as planned and Daniel would still choose to be with me after that.

When I went down to the office lobby, I spotted Abigail sitting at one of the lounge chairs. She seems to be like waiting for someone. I approached her.

"Hey Abigail."

"Hi Melody." She stood up after seeing me.

"Looking for Daniel? He is in a meeting now. Not sure when it will be finished." I couldn't let her wait aimlessly. I didn't know what time the meeting is going to be done.

"Oh... It's fine. I just want to pass him something to congratulate him on his award. The gifts are a little heavy. Can you help me? It's in my car."

"Okay, sure." I followed her out of the office building. She says her car were parked at another street as she couldn't find a parking lot nearer to our office earlier.

We rounded the building and came into view is the back alley of the building besides us. I didn't see any car over here.

"Where is your..."

Before I can complete my question, something hit me with a force that had me lost my balance and I fell to the ground.

Darkness surrounded me.

Am I in a dream?

It was dark.

The room I was in had a fluorescent tube hanging at one corner.

The back of my head is painful. I am lying down on the hard concrete floor and my wrists and ankles were being tied up. I couldn't see clearly; my spectacle was missing. My last memory before I had passed out was at the back alley with Abigail.

Where is she? Is she alright?

"Finally, you are awake." Someone says.

I blinked my eyes, trying to focus on the voice. It was coming from where the light has been.

"I have been looking at you. There's nothing special." Abigail stood up from the chair she has been sitting and came towards me.

My eyes went wide. Abigail has that evil smirk on her face. She looks different from the last time I saw her.

"No use." I tried moving but it was difficult and she saw I was struggling to free myself.

"No one knows where are you. No one can save you." She continued.

"What are you doing?" I question. I do not understand. Why is she keeping me here?

"What am I doing?" She came forward and slap me on my cheek.

"You fucking bitch took Daniel away from me." She slapped me again.

Shit. I can taste blood on my lips. Abigail is strong and I couldn't defend myself when I am being tied up.

"All these times, Daniel has been very nice to me. We are very good together." She grabbed my hair and forced me to look at her. "It's all your fault." She snarled at me.

Her grip on my hair is very tight and I whimpered. She is hurting me.

"Daniel is still the same. He has been very involved with the club." I countered. Daniel has been very good to his fans. Whenever the fan club has any event, he would try to attend if he has the time. He would prepare presents for those celebrating their birthday as well. I know, because I have the list.

"It's different. I am the one he loves. It's all because of you. You took him away from me." She began to punch and kick me. I screamed and asked her to stop.

"The last time he saw me, he didn't even acknowledge me. He never does that to me." She started crying.

I tried to think about the last time they met. I realised that she was talking about that day when Daniel thought I have met with an accident. That day when Daniel rushed down from Wilson's office when he thought a car had hit me. That was the day when I first met Abigail at the café and we were walking back to the office together.

I remember Daniel pulls me into the building after seeing me. It was that time that Abigail was with me and Daniel didn't acknowledge her presence.

"Last week, he told the world about you. He cannot do that to me." Her expression changed from crying to furious. "I am the one he loves, not you." She says and walked away, towards the chair. Suddenly I saw her holding onto something, it looks like a baseball bat.

She dragged the baseball bat and started towards me again.

"I am going to destroy you. Daniel will come back to me again." She says angrily.


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