Chapter 22

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Melody's POV

I wanted to bring something home from the amusement park. A proof that I can hold onto and tell myself that I hadn't imagined tonight. We were at the carnival games section and as a lousy gamer I am, I couldn't even win the smallest plushies.

"I want that Donald Duck." I point towards a sea of soft toys hanging by the wall grumpily. I was getting angry. Angry that I couldn't win anything.

Daniel laughs and pulled me towards the basketball game section. "Show time." He says and winked at me.

He was good. Very good. He scored all the balls into the hoop and I was presented with the funny looking Donald Duck plushie.

"Didn't know that you could play basketball so well." I hugged my Donald Duck and was smiling to myself like an idiot.

"I had been playing basketball since I am a kid. I was in the school team. My coach had asked me to be the captain and I had rejected him. I do not want the responsibility. I just wanted to play. I had mentioned to you before that I'd dreamed to be a NBA star."

"You did?" I must have forgotten.

"What happened to your dream? How come you are holding a mike now and not a basketball?" I teased.

"Firstly, my parents didn't like the idea of me getting injured all the time. They wanted me to focus on my studies. Secondly, when I was young, we were always relocating to other countries because of my father's job commitments. Therefore, I had separated from my coach and couldn't continue with the training."

"When did you realised you like singing?"

"My siblings and I had a huge age gap. They didn't like to play with me. Once I have gotten a guitar as a birthday present. That's when I started to learn how to compose songs. I was bored anyway."

We had continued to talk while strolling around the park hand in hand. He told me he had been friends with Wilson since he was young. Their parents were best friends. Wilson knows Daniel has the talent in composing songs. So, when Wilson took over the reins of the company, he had approached Daniel and asked if he is interested to become a singer.

We chatted a lot and time went by fast. We were at our last stop, the merry-go-round. I had always wanted to ride one. It looks so grand and magical when all the lights were lit up. I was seated on a white horse while taking in all my surroundings. I do not think I would have another chance of coming to an amusement park with Daniel again. Nonetheless, it was an unforgettable memory.

Suddenly, Daniel was beside me. I'd remember he was seated on a black horse slightly behind me moments ago.

"Melody." He calls.

"Hmm..." I turned around and saw him holding a blue coloured box.

"I am very happy to have you with me. No words could describe how grateful I am to have met you. The first time I saw you, I was mesmerised. In the past, I do not believed love at first sight. Now, I do. I believed in it after meeting you the first time. I was lost when I didn't have you. Now that I have you, I wouldn't want to miss the chance. I will make you happy and I hope you have the trust in me for that." He looked at me and continued. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I was teary eyes after hearing all those words he had said. This is so sudden. Yes, we were already together. In fact, sleeping with each other multiple times. But I didn't expect him to ask me. Ask me to be his girlfriend.

I was very touched for what he has done for me. Do I want to be with him? Without a doubt, 100% yes. But I was afraid. Afraid that my heart will be broken into million pieces if he were to leave me one day. One day when he had learnt about my past. Learn about my ugly scars. Scars I would be bringing to my death bed.

But I wanted a moment of happiness too. Happiness which had left me since that day. I want my happiness with Daniel. Is this worth fighting for? Is my happiness with Daniel worth fighting for?

I wanted to fight this time.

"Yes." I was full blast crying when I answered. He is definitely worth fighting for. He is everything I had dreamed for. Even if I am broken beyond repair by the end of the day. Because he is worth it.

I cannot miss my chance to be with him after everything I had been through.

He looked so relived after my answer. Is he worried that I would reject him?

He opened the box and I saw the most beautiful necklace. The pendant was a shape of a heart with small diamonds surrounding it. "I had designed this specifically for you. Our names were engraved at the back of the pendant. Turn around" He speaks softly. I turned and moved my hair to the side and he hovers the necklace over and locked it at my nape. Then, he turns me around to face him.

"Thank you. It was very pretty." 

I am very happy that I have decided to take this chance.

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