"So you stole her body?!" Chopper cried incredulously.

"It was so easy to obtain the actress and bend her to my will" Hogback replied "The personality of the woman who had spurned me was of little consequence. As long as she retained her beauty"

"Make her stop licking the floor!" Chopper yelled with all his might as his whole body shook in anger "By using corpses that can't stick up for themselves, you're creating nothing but monsters! For every zombie you create, you're making someone miserable"

"Don't lecture me on life when you're a mediocre doctor, pirate reindeer!" he roared. Dr. Hogback raised his fists, but something slams into his body.

"SABLE! You actually came!" Chopper shouted happily at the sight of the snake "I thought you were too scared..." he paused to hear what the snake was hissing before grateful tears filled his eyes "...WAAAAAAA! THANK YOU SABLE!"


Anamaria, Usopp, Sanji, Zoro and Franky ran across the bridge that the cyborg had built in less than five minutes and they went into the castle. They reach a random room that had a princess bed in the centre, looking around as someone's laugh echoes through it.

A pink haired woman was sat on the sofa as she chuckled at their arrival, her eyes lined with dark eyeshadow.

"We had planned for you to be victim of the zombies, stairs and even the bridge" she said whit her arms crossed over her chest "Who would've thought that Oz would fall from the sky. The real obstacle..."

"What are those things?" Zoro asked her as they stared at the transparent ghosts that were floating above them.

"Hararararararara" the stranger laughed as she stood up "Surely you already know how terrible these ghosts can be"

She raised her hands and from the palms of them came out white bubbles that floated up and turned into more ghosts as the woman explained what her Devil Fruit did (Horo Horo Devil Fruit).

"How can someone who controls those ghosts be such a...AARGHCHOUGHCHOUGH!" Sanji was interrupted as Anamaria stepped on his food, hard.

"RUN" everyone shouted, Usopp taking Ana's arm to pull her along with them as she tried to stay behind with Zoro to fight the woman. She saw the ghosts coming and how they hit them. She waited as she expected to feel as downtrodden as the rest but she didn't feel any different.

"I'm so insignificant!" "I can never do anything wrong!" "Forgive me for stepping on the same ground as you!"

A group of zombie animals went to jump on them only for several chunks of sea salt to be launched into their mouths while Anamaria crossed her arms over her chest while forcing sea water down their throats. Perona froze as she finally noticed Ana and Usopp who had, honestly, been there the entire time.

"I won't let you, hurt our crew!" Usopp shouted bravely.

"NEGATIVE HOLLOW!" Perona shouted.

Anamaria watched as the ghost went right into Usopp but the two women were more than surprised when it didn't affect him.

"Why-why didn't It work?" Perona asked "Why aren't you on your knees?!"

"I am captain Usopp...AND I AM NEGETIVE BY NATURE!!" he shouted as he stood up straight.

"We'll leave it you Usopp!" Anamaria shouted as she ran past the boys "Come on! We gotta get Nami!!"

As they were running down the halls with Franky separating when he saw a familiar skeleton, the whole of the building started to shake violently making Sanji go to take Ana by the shoulders to hold her against his chest so she didn't fall, even though she didn't need it she let him do it.

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