Level 3 - Act 2: The Type Charts

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A/N: If you did guess, this is named after the Offence and Defence Chart that is used to show the weaknesses of all the Pokémon Types, which I thought would be an interesting idea to show everyone what Type they're Quirks are!

After hearing about some of the Students getting hurt from their own Quirks, Oridious and Kairu were called into a small meeting by Nezu, the teachers and another person. He had Beige Hair and Black eyes.

Oridious: Oh, Mera, I didn't think of meeting or facing you again. Didn't think the HPSC would be here.

Yokumiru: I didn't think you'll be back here, Asobu. Heard your here for special reasons.

He then looked at Kairu.

Yokumiru: And you must be Kairu Sumisu? Heard what you went through.

Kairu: Y-Yeah.

Nezu: Mr, Sumisu, this is Yokumiru Mera from the Hero Public Safety Commission. He heard about some recent injuries coming from other Hero Schools, including recently here. He also heard about the weird Symbols coming from the screens from the recent Sports Festival.

Kairu didn't think anyone would of seen that, but him and Oridious.

Kairu: W-Well, it's an Honer to meet you sir and I'm guessing you want to know the problem?

Yokumiru: Indeed. You said you might know it too?

Kairu: Yep. I might bring in something you might not of guessed, but some injuries are kind of based around the Type Chart from the Pokémon series. Due to many Quirks, they might have either one or a duel Type, which could be a Defence and Offence. Here's the Chart.

Oridious then put the Chart on the table. He straightened it out and turned it around, not before sliding it to the other side of the Table, until stopping at Yokumiru. He picked up the Chart and looked at it.

Yokumiru: Even if what your talking about is true and everyone's Quirks are now being like something from a bunch of Video Games sounds a little unothadox, which many won't believe in

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Yokumiru: Even if what your talking about is true and everyone's Quirks are now being like something from a bunch of Video Games sounds a little unothadox, which many won't believe in.

Kairu and Oridious both looked at each other, knowing they won't believe them.

Yokumiru: I'll talk to other Pros about this and what Types they might have. I'll keep a hold onto this to understand it more. But starting right now, all Students must take a test to know what types their Quirks have!

Kairu and Oridious then looked at each other again.

Oridious: Y-You sure? I mean Young Kairu here has knowned everyone well, and he could show everyone what they're Quirks are.

Yokumiru: Even if he does know, we can't take the risks for everyone from, not just U.A., but for other Hero Academies.

Nezu: Since we got everything cleared up, you two are free to go.

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