Level 1 - Act 7: Lucy's Evolution

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A/N: I was thinking of this series and Chapter, seeing how long it'll be. It's still going how Izuku went from the series with some twists. This Chapter may break from the first season of the Anime.

After Kairu came back from U.A., he headed back to Apartment and rest from the days schoolwork.

Kairu: Lucy, I'm home!

Lucy woke up after she heard him come in. She rushed to the front door, jumping up and down very excitedly.

Lucy: Vee! Vee! Vee!

Kairu: Ok ok, Lucy. I know I haven't been around lately, but this High School has taken much of my time every day. I mean I'm lucky to have weekends off thanks to Oridious.

He headed to his Living area and sat down on the couch, resting. Lucy rushed towards him and jumped on his lap and layed on top.

Lucy: Vee...

Kairu smiled as he petted, stroked and rubbed Lucy's back, which she liked.

Kairu: Don't worry, after tomorrow will be the weekend. By that time, we can play around.

Lucy: Vee!

Kairu: I'm going to make some Dinner for us, and you know it's your favorite.

Lucy: VEE!!!

Kairu got Lucy off his lap and headed into the kitchen, making Dinner for them both. Once it was finished and they ate, Kairu thought it was a perfect time to go to sleep.

Kairu: Ok, night Lucy. I'll see you tomorrow after School.

Lucy: Vee?

Kairu: Remember what I said, day after tomorrow will be a weekend. By that time, we can play around.

Lucy felt upset as she got to her bed and slept. Kairu closed his bedroom door and went to sleep also.

As Lucy slept, she started glowing a weird color as she was enveloped in a bright light.

*Insert Intro*

The Next Day, Kairu was still resting, as the alarm didn't go off yet. He also didn't hear the door of his bedroom open up as a figure went inside.

The Figure came up to Kairu's bed and poked his cheek a little. He did his best to ignore it, but the figure still kept poking his cheek. Getting annoyed, he woke up and shot up from his bed.

Kairu: What is it, Lucy?!

He looked and saw it wasn't his Eevee. What he was looking at was a young girl with Brown hair, two Brown ears coming out of her head and a large tail that came behind her. The other thing was that she was purely naked, getting more of his attention.

Kairu: W-Who the heck are you? How did you get into my apartment...and why the hell are you naked?!

The girl didn't understand his question.

Kairu: Ok, I don't have time to go shopping, I just hope someone else has clothes that'll fit you.

He then went to his Phone and looked at his contacts of everyone in Class 1-A and 2-C. Since being partnered with them, they all exchanged Phone numbers so they can be in contact anytime.

Kairu: Ok, if I can't find anyone, I better text them this.

He then texted all of them about the naked girl and finding clothes that would fit her. Only two People responded, which were Tsuyu and Momo.

Kairu: Glad they both answered. Didn't want it to be Mineta.

His Phone then rang as it was Momo calling him.

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