Level 1 - Final Act: Digital Boss

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A/N: I'm deciding to make the first part short, as I don't have anymore ideas for it. This will also show you what would happen if Kairu beats a Boss in the real world.

Today was the day that Class 1-A and 2-C were heading to the U.S.J for Weather related emergencies. Since they weren't going to be heading out for a few Hours, they all decided to talk to each other for a while or just waited for the time to go by.

Kairu was finished getting his Hero Outfit on as he headed back to his Classroom. As he did, he ran into Izuku, who looked a bit excited and nervous.

Izuku: K-Kairu, where did you get your Quirk?

Kairu: Which one?

Izuku: Oh right, your like me. Anyway, I told Oridious this...thing that popped on my Phone when I was heading home last night and I got this Video. I don't know what or who sent it, but you both have to see this!

Both then walked to Oridious' desk, where he was still sat there.

Oridious: I thought Young Midoriya wanted to talk to you about this.

Kairu: The only Question is why?

Oridious then looked at Izuku.

Oridious: Midoriya, can we examine the Video?

Izuku did what he said and gave his Phone to him. Oridious then put the Video at full screen so they all could watch it. Once he pressed play, they only saw a Shadowy Figure in nothing but pure neon lighting.

???: Greeting to the Real world! You may not know me, but I would like to keep myself Anonymous...for the time being!

They heard the voice, that was in a weird tone, thinking they wanted to make sure no one would recognise them.

???: I seen the progress that the one U.A. High School has been doing. I'm purely impressed with them, but now it's time to take it to the next level!

Izuku: Next Level?

???: You all may have won the Battles in the real world, But the War in my World is still to come! Once I sent my powerfulest Warriors to face you, you all will have to like the Recon Squad, working together!

Before then, the video ended with the entire screen going static.

*Insert Intro*

Oridious, Kairu and Izuku all looked nervous. Who was talking to them and what were they talking about?

Izuku: We won the battles in the Real World?

Kairu: The War is their World? What does that mean?

Oridious: I don't know, but there was one thing that they wanted you all to do: Work Together! Can you both do that with the others?

Izuku: I can, but I don't believe Kachan could.

Kairu: If he doesn't, I'm sure I could put in some words.

Izuku: Thanks.

Oridious: Well, you all stay safe and enjoy yourselfs. I hope to see you all back here soon.

Kairu was then confused.

Kairu: Your not coming?

Oridious: Why would I? I'm going to have a talk with the Principal and my...co-worker here. They want to talk to me about teaching Students from other Classes... Example!

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