Level 1 - Act 6: Level Through

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A/N: This Chapter was skipped on the day it was supposed to be due to home things. This Chapter is kind of a shorter version to the Hero Training Izuku did.

After Class 1-A came out from the hall, all in their Hero outfits, Class 2-C were coming out secondly, all in their own Hero Outfits.

Oridious: Now here's the real stars of the show!

Everyone looked down the Hallway, finding Shadows of Class 2-C coming through the hall.

Once they headed into the light, everyone was looking at them all in their Hero Outfits.

*Insert Intro*

Once outside, Class 2-C were looking around at where they were going to train. Oridious looked at them in their Outfits, feeling impressed.

Oridious: I can see what they are going for: Something that matches their Quirks.

He then saw Kairu in his Hero Outfit. He was wearing an all-Black design, which was a Black Hoodie, Black Pants, Black Shoes and a Black Shirt with a Red Oval shape with two points at the ends in front of it. Kairu's Hood was also up.

Kairu: So...Too much?

Oridious: Nah, it's looks good on you. Something like when you faced that Villain before.

Kairu remembered that as he started to remember when Izuku gave him some design ideas from the others.

Everything then goes to a Flashback to Izuku giving him everyones ideas, as he rejected everything.

Kairu: I'm sorry Izuku, but all of them aren't...me. Right Lucy?

Lucy: Vee...

Izuku: Well, it's just that some people have different opinions on...

Kairu: ...What they want them to look like to suit them, right?

Izuku was then surprised to hear him finish his sentence.

Kairu: Something someone told me.

Izuku: So, you're like me?

Kairu: Don't push it.

Izuku: Well, you have to give us something to work with. Can you give me or anyone some ideas?

Kairu was then interested to hear someone who's been in U.A. longer than him asking for ideas.

Kairu: Well, if it's like that, I want it to be something...Modern.

Izuku was then confused after he said that.

Izuku: Modern?

Now very confused, Izuku started to think of what he ment.

Izuku: Something Modern? That doesn't make sense. Sure, some heroe's can pick off from different eras and what kind of Quirk that have, but since this is his first time in a Hero High School, he must learn about his potential of what Quirk has...

Kairu and Lucy looked at Izuku mumbling garbage, as they looked at each other. Lucy got off from the cushion she was laying on, thinking Kairu needed it, which he did.

He grabbed the cushion and hit Izuku in the face with it, making him shut up.

Izuku: Why?

Kairu: To get you to shut up.

Lucy: Vee!

Izuku: Sorry about that, but I never heard of someone saying something about being Modern.

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