chapter 18

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Yuzu and Etsuko are already lying on the bed and getting ready to sleep . Every night before going to sleep, yuzu used to read a bedtime stories to Etsuko so she could fall asleep right away.

"Alright, after saving the princess, the prince married her and they live happily ever after.  The end."  After reading the story, she closed the book to look at the little girl next to her. She expected the brunette to be asleep after reading her a story but that's not what happened, Etsuko still awake and now frowning a little .

"Hey! What's wrong?" Yuzu asked her younger sister. She wondered why the little brunette is still up when everytime she read her a bedtime story Etsuko fall asleep immediately but this time isn't the case the brunette doesn't look like she's going to fall asleep any moment and it looks like something makes her upset.

The child got up and now sitting on the bed next to Yuzu."Will you also marry a prince like the princess in the book? " Etsuko suddenly asked her blonde Oneechan.

"Why did you asked that?" Yuzu spoke in a confused tone, wondering what's running on her little sister's head right now.

"I don't want Oneechan to marry a prince and leave Etsuko." She admitted with a teary-eyed expression.

If there's something Yuzu is thankful for, it's that Etsuko didn't inherit Mei's habit of hiding her true feelings and thoughts to her. Etsuko always says what's on her mind , so Yuzu doesn't have a hard time understanding her younger sister's feeling.

Yuzu pulled her little sister into a hug and laid her on top of her while patting on her head. "Why did you think that I will leave you if I got married.

Etsuko raised her head a little to look at her blonde Oneechan before burying her head on Yuzu's crook . "Because only the princess and the prince will live happily ever after in the end they doesn't mention about the sister. " Replied the little brunette to her Oneechan.

After hearing it , Yuzu chuckle softly at her little sister cuteness. " Awe, Etsuko that just a story , it won't happen in real life because there's no one in this world that I will love more than my baby sister."

Etsuko raised her head again to look at her oneechan's green eyes. "R..Really,..y.. you promised. You will not leave Etsuko ?"

Yuzu nodded. " I promise. "

"Listen to me okay. " Yuzu said while cupping her little sister chubby cheeks. " If I ever get married . I will choose the person who will love you as much as I love you , a person who will take care of you thesame way I take care of you. And the most important of all if that person isn't approved by Etsuko, he will not be approved by me either, I will immediately reject that person unless my baby sister wants that person for me." Yuzu said before giving her little sister a kiss on the forehead. After that she used her thumb to wipe the tears from Etsuko's eyes.

"I woove you Oneechan. "

"I love you too Etsuko " replied the blonde before giving her little sister a kiss on the cheek. "Alright, it's time for you to sleep, you still have school tomorrow ." Yuzu said sternly .

The green eye brunette nodded."Okay, oneechan. Good night." replied Etsuko before giving her Oneechan a goodnight kiss on the cheeks. But before falling asleep Etsuko said something that surprised Yuzu ." Me too, I will also love my Oneechan and Mei-nee forever." She spoke it with a yawn before dozing off.

"Huh!" Yuzu feel a mixed of emotions hearing Etsuko's last words before falling asleep. She's happy that Etsuko is getting closer to Mei but at the same time she feels guilty hiding the truth that Etsuko is Mei's sister too.

After she put Etsuko on the bed , she pulled the blanket up to Etsuko's shoulders to keep her from getting cold after that she kiss her on the forehead again before leaving the room.

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