chapter 15

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"Etsuko, since your done introducing your bear to her why don't you go back to the room and do your homework . I'll follow you there to check your answer, okay ! "

"Okay, on.. m-mommy, " she turned to look at Mei. " Mei-nee  are you gonna eat dinner with us today ?  My mommy is a good cook , her food are always delicious." Etsuko brag proudly .

"I know I also love her cooking, "  Mei stated as she glance at the blonde.

Yuzu rolled her eyes in return.

Mei's comment earned a confused look from Etsuko.

"Have you tasted mommy's cooking before ?" The girl asked. Looking at her Mei-nee, before she shifted her gaze to her Oneechan who was now glaring at the brunette.

"Etsuko that's enough, go back to the room and do your homework ! " She ordered . Interrupting the two brunette. " And you .... go home ! " She said coldly . " I'm not in the mood to entertain bitch-sitors . Whisper the words so that only Mei could hear.

"I was hoping for the three of us to have dinner together, since it's rare for us to have a guest . " Etsuko look so sad and disappointed she really hopes to talked to her Mei-nee a little longer.

Mei feel bad seeing the sad look of the child ,she knows that what she gonna say next will only make yuzu more annoyed with her,  but if it makes Etsuko to smile then it will be worth it.

"Actually,...I can stay a little longer." She reason. "  I didn't eat lunch earlier so I-I'm super hungry. " Mei thicken her face to said those words just to stay longer with Yuzu and Etsuko .

Etsuko's face brighten up because mei decided to stay for dinner. "Really! Yippee! " She shouted with joy .  " Mei-nee will join us for dinner ! "

A smile appeared from Mei's lips, seeing the child so happy knowing that it because of her. But it didn't last , though . And the smile disappear when a strong grip on her arms accompanied by a cold stare from an angry blonde......

' If you're hungry , then go home !  Because you're not welcome here !  I'm pretty sure you have a lots of maid at your mansion to cook for you Aihara, and probably .... Your husband must be waiting for you to come home to have dinner with you ! ' This is what yuzu wanted to shout on the brunette's face, but she don't want to look the bad person infront of her little sister's eyes,  so she get a grip of herself.

"We need to talk." She said. Dragging the brunette to the kitchen area where Etsuko won't hear them talking or hear her cursing the brunette.

"What're you doing , You promised to leave right after I treat your wound ! "  She said. Her voice sounded like a whisper, trying her best not to raise her voice, to not to alarm Etsuko that she hate Mei.

Mei knows that yuzu is mad at her right now but she can't help the smile that escape from her lips . She's already expecting this reaction from the blonde so it didn't surprised her anymore.

Seeing the brunette smiling to herself just  making her upset.

"What're you smiling to yourself ? "

Mei didn't say anything, she just stay quiet looking at yuzu with an affectionate gaze.

Yuzu step back nervously when the alluring gaze landed at her . She feel anxious for a second.

"S-Stop staring ! " Yuzu tried to sound mad but her stuttering reveal her nervousness to the brunette.

Smirking.  She felt confident now that she knew she still had this effect on the blonde that she could still make her nervous with her stares. She stepped forward towards yuzu until she cornered her at the kitchen sink. Mei acted like a predator cornering her prey.

Your Still The One 💕जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें