chapter 17

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Yuzu covered her face with both hands . She was ashamed of herself for what she did earlier. " I'm sure I'm soaked down there , I feel damp in my panty ." she mumbled to herself with a redden face.

"What should I do now ? ... Should I kill her  and then myself ? No ! What am I thinking I have a little sister to take care of " Yuzu facepalm herself.

After she put the curry on the dinning table and just in time Mei and Etsuko came out of the room.

"Let's eat, the dinner is ready " Yuzu said to the two brunette.

Mei sat infront of yuzu.

Yuzu gesturing her little sister to sit beside her. " Come her Etsuko. "

"Mommy can I sit next to Mei-nee? " Asked Etsuko to her Oneechan.

Yuzu tighten her grip on the spoon and it was obvious that she wasn't happy that even at dinner Etsuko preferred to sit next to Mei rather than her.

"Y..yes, it's fine ", yuzu said with an obvious force smile.

She move Etsuko's plate next to Mei's but before she sit down again she give the brunette a glare.

"I hope you enjoy the food Ms. Aihara. " The blonde said before she started eating.

When mei put the curry in her mouth she was stunned and her face turned red.

"Is it delicious?" Yuzu said grinning infront of Mei .

"Are you alright Mei-nee you're sweating  and your face are red." Etsuko asked with a concern tone.

"I.. I'm alright " mei give Etsuko a smile to reassured the child then she turned to look at Yuzu." I..It's s..super de... delicious, yuzu " Mei said with a force smile then took the glass of water next to her and immediately drank it.

''Really, I'm glad that you like it. I  made the curry really special tonight because you were here."

"Mmm!~ you're right ,Mei-nee the food is really delicious." Said Etsuko enjoying her food.

Mei force to took another bite to show yuzu that she's determine to win her back.
'It's so spicy it's burning my mouth.' Mei thought while trying to swallow the spicy curry .

'I put chili peppers on her curry earlier, let's see if she comeback after that.' Yuzu thought smiling to herself.

After dinner Mei and Etsuko were sitting on the couch watching cartoons on TV, while yuzu was in the kitchen washing dishes in the sink.

After a while Yuzu returned to the couch holding a glass of milk. " Here's your milk Etsuko finished it okay."

Etsuko nodded." Thank you, mommy."

"Ahem, I also prepared some milk for you , drinks it while is still warm ,it will help to get rid of the spiciness in your mouth." Then she brought her face to Mei's ear and whispered ." After you're done, leave " 

Yuzu walk over to the side table to see if her cellphone battery is already full, then she unplugged it after she saw it was fully charged. She open her phone and dialed Matsuri's number.

'' Hello, Yuzuchan ! " Matsuri greeted happily on the other line.

"Is harumin with you now? " Yuzu asked matsuri.

" Yeah! Why?"

'That's good , come tomorrow to the apartment because I have something to discuss with the both of you." Then she hung up the phone and went back to the couch to send Mei away.

"Are you not leaving yet? " Yuzu asked folding her arms infront of Mei.

" I just waited for you to finish talking to your friend on the phone so I could say goodbye to you, Yuzu." Mei replied shyly.

Mei walked to the front door while Yuzu and Etsuko were behind her to see her off .

Etsuko raised both of her hands infront of Mei. Mei get the gesture and pick the child and carried her in her arms.

"Bye Mei-nee " Etsuko said and give Mei a peck on the cheeks as a goodbye kiss.

"Bye Etsuko " Mei also planted a kiss on Etsuko's chubby cheeks.

Then the two brunette turned and look at the blonde.

"What?!" Yuzu asked with a confused look.

"Won't you say goodbye to Mei-nee?" Etsuko asked her Oneechan.

"B..Bye... "

Mei smile and step closer to the blonde to hand Etsuko to her but after yuzu get Etsuko , Mei suddenly kiss her on her cheek.

"Bye yuzu ,see you in my dreams " then she close the door and left yuzu with a shock look .

It's very short, I hope you still like it . I accidentally deleted what I wrote the other day .😫 So i try to wrote it back today .

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