The sleeping pirates don't wake up to the sound, but as the whistle is carried out, each sleeper's face grows more troubled by the second.

Robin however, grows confused by the sound, but it doesn't bother her that much. When she sees that there's nobody above the surface, she resumes her reading without any problems.

Soon enough the boy stops playing, and swims back to his island in excitement for the chaos of tomorrow to ensue for the unsuspecting pirates.

It didn't take long after the boy's foreboding visit for the sun to start rising for the new day with everything seeming normal.



Anamaria was, for once, the very first one in the entire crew to wake up. She rubbed her head as she felt a headache but ignored it, walking over Nami and Sable to go see if Sanji was awake and already making breakfast.

She saw Robin sat on the desk in front of them and greeted her lazily. Ana paused when Nami woke up and she smiled to greet the navigator as well until she realised the confused look that the woman had.

"Who are you?"


Chopper fell from his hammock as he saw the strange room where he was surrounded by the strange men sleeping in the same one. The doctor looked up at the stairs that lead up to the deck of the ship, considering going up them. The moment he heard one of the men say something about 'having seconds' he booked it and nearly flew up the stairs.


Anamaria stared at Robin and back at Nami who was circling the room in the presence of the two women she apparently didn't know.

"How 'bout...we go up to the deck to...see if we can fix this?" Anamaria asked, receiving a nod of agreement from Robin and a slow nod from Nami.

As soon as the trio reaches the deck, they're met with a confused sniper, a scared humanoid reindeer hiding behind the mast, and a confused archaeologist who's being hit on by Sanji. Robin ignores the chef's flirtatious works and looks at the three newcomers.

"There you are, we have a problem"

"And who are you?" Nami asks from the doorway, but only earns her Sanji twirling over to her because he thinks that the question is for him.

"My sweet, I can be the man of your dreams if you allow it. If you're free, what do you say to dinner?" Sanji answers as he gives both Nami and Anamaria a flower.

The redhead was not amused by his charm though and pushes him away without a thought.

"And he went back to it" Ana said with a frown as she saw the man's reaction to the women that was the same he had the first time she had met him "Come on darlin', sit down"

Sanji listened to her with heart eyes as his nose bled a bit and he accepted the handkerchief from the tattooed woman besides him.

"I'm not playing games, who are you people?! And what's with the raccoon dog?!" Nami asked in concern as she observed the doctor of the crew.

"I'M A REINDEER!" Chopper yells out to the shock of Luffy and Usopp.

"IT'S A TALKING MONSTER!" they both scream out which scares Chopper into running away, with Luffy and Usopp chasing him, and completely pisses off Anamaria.

"DON' CALL 'IM THAT!" Ana slapped the backs of the boys' heads.

When Usopp and Luffy the woman who now had with the scariest glare that they've ever seen they screamed.

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