Bonus Chapter: Bite. Kiss. Repeat.

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Her nightmare only continued in her reality, waking up to be face to face with the monster of her dreams. Loki's arms were on either side of her trembling, sweat coated body, caging her in under his own body.

She hoarsely cried out in fright and desperately tried to crawl away. A hand wrapped around her ankle and stopped her. It easily pulled her back under his body as if she weighed nothing. Once again, she was trapped.

She flipped on her side to curl into a ball underneath him. She sobbed into the bedding, realizing she could never wake up. Her nightmares would always continue into the day as long as she was with him.

With adrenaline pumping through her veins, all she could hear was the loud pounding of her heart. Cold, large hands rested on one of hers, and on instinct she ripped it away. This time, his grip was more firm and didn't let her hand slip away from his. She scrunched her eyes shut, dread pooling her stomach.

"Summer," his eerie voice called, demanding her attention.

Her eyes remained closed, too frightened to face her nightmare head on. He tugged her hand closer and she tensed, bracing for pain.

His voice called out to her again, calm, but matter a fact. He wanted her to face him, to open her eyes.

Hyperventilating, she slowly opened her eyes. He gently rolled her onto her back and she was too scared to fight back this time. Then she was facing her nightmare head on.

With his hand holding hers between them, she watched his lips moved to say something, but her heart was pumping so loud and fast, she didn't hear it. Her mouth moved and her eyes widened, but she couldn't form words.

He noticed she missed what he said, and he repeated himself. "Count." He told her.

Count. Count what? Her silent question was answered as his fingers shifted on hers.

This is it, she thought. He's angry she woke him up. One by one, he's going to snap her fingers and she's going to have count each break. Or worse, he had the strength to completely rip them off.

Once again, her eyes scrunched shut to avoid seeing the horrific abuse, only for them to fly open at the feeling of his lips on her pinky finger. Her gaze met his, his eyes staring at her expectantly.

It took her a moment for her brain to register what it was he wanted, but finally she was able to breathe out a shaky, "o-one."

His eyes softened, telling her she found the right answer. His mouth went back to her digits and her spine stiffened and muscles tensed, wondering if this was the part where he bit one of them off.

She flinched as he kissed her ring finger this time, and again he gazed at her expectantly. "Two." She rasped in a whisper.

She was more relaxed when he moved on to the middle finger, noticing a pattern at whatever game he was playing at. "Three." She whispered more readily this time.

His kiss lingered on her pointer finger, his breath tickling her hand. "Four."

The thumb was next, and she was weary again, wondering if he was saving the torture for last. With baited breath, she watched as he kissed her thumb and nothing more. "Five."

He closed his hand around hers, their fingers interlocked. "Again." He softly ordered.

This time, he kissed her knuckles, one by one, until they got to five. She wasn't sure why she was letting him do this to her. Her brain was still far too much of a mess to think properly or put up a fight to stop him. Even still, putting up a fight might do more harm than good.

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