Chapter 12

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I walked out of the library so I could rush back to class, only to have Timothy grabbing my arm.

"Hey, where you off to in such a hurry?" he asked and wrapped his arm around me. "We're in the same class, remember? So we might as well go where we go together."

I sighed as it didn't seem like I had much of a choice. "Fine...Uh...Let's go..." Dammit Nizan! Pull yourself together!

Whenever I was around him, my confidence just washed down the drain. He just made me cum twice in the library and now he wanted to walk with me to our next class. I needed time alone to process things but whenever he was around there was no time to think or strategize. For once I didn't have a chance to use my brains and had to simply go with the flow. How did Kai always make it seem so easy? Give it a few days and his girl will be walking around with his mark, I can bet on that.

I was afraid I might mess this up. I wasn't good at opening up to people.

I did ease up a little after we walked for a while. Timothy even asked me questions about myself, I didn't tell him about me being half demon though.

However, this moment wasn't going to last long. As soon as we reached the science wing, Timothy suddenly uncoiled his arm around me and distanced himself a little. And then coming down the stairs were his friends.

"Hey, Tim! Hey Nizan!" said Kelvin smiling at us two.

What just happened?

Timothy's mood and attitude towards me just changed. He just began talking with his friends, all of us heading to the same class and I was walking by myself like an idiot. He was giving me the cold shoulder and that felt like a sharp stab in the chest.

I could see and tell what Timothy was doing. The way he behaved and acted was all that of someone in the closet. He was ashamed of being seen with me.

"So how are you holding up?" Kelvin asked me. "Fitting in well?"

"Yeah, I guess..." I said my voice in a monotone.

The pain I felt wasn't as painful as rejection, it felt a bit worse. It hurt not being wanted by my mate on that level and perhaps I shouldn't blame him. We were still high schoolers and not everyone had the privilege of being their true selves. Still, I expected a heads-up at least.

"Uh...I won't make it to class," I stopped walking and cleared my throat. "My brother hasn't been here today and I think I should go look for him."

"You sure about that?" asked Kelvin.

"Yes...See you later, I guess." I said and turned around walking in the opposite direction before Timothy could stop me.

I then sent out a message to Kai through our mind link. "Idiot. You better get back here or I'm done and you'll look for these so-called schemers yourself!"

And on my command, my brother made it back to the school and walked in with his girl.

"I'll see you later," she said to him blushing.

He kissed her and I looked away. How I wished that was me and my mate ugh.

Kai stared at the girl's ass till she disappeared around a corner and then he turned his gaze towards me. "So, you want us to jump into work, you say? Shouldn't we be in class or something?"

"I don't need to attend classes, I already studied for the test and covered this term's syllabus," I told him. I did all that in my free time during the winter break.

Kai on the other hand never gave a shit about academics so acted all cool about missing class. "Fine if you say so. I guess now all we gotta do is find our guy...The voice of the person I heard in that basement."

"That or we could go to the basement ourselves."

"Someone could see us!" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I wished Kai used his brain more than he used his dick. "Not if you can create a distraction dummy. Think about it. What could be the one thing that would distract a whole school?"

Like he read my mind, Kai smiled wickedly. Nodding and then rubbing his hands together. "I know...A spark..."

"Turns out you still have your brains!" I patted his shoulder and nodded toward the school building. "You go light up that spark and while everyone is busy evacuating the school and will be too busy to try and calm down the chaos, I'll go into that bunker basement and look for any evidence."

"Why didn't we think about that in the first place?"

"Well, it's our plan now and we should get to work. Eventually, they will realize it's only a false alarm and won't even suspect it's any of us."

"Yeah, I'll burn a wire so they can think the cause of the fire is electrical!"

"I'll leave that part to you."

After that Kai and I parted ways. To deal with the school's surveillance cameras, I unplugged the main power supply. Kai then climbed to the rooftop of the West Wing and projected a flame in the last room which immediately set off the school alarm.

And amidst all the panic, I used the distraction as an advantage to enter the secret bunker, and there I found...nothing.

(Series 2 will continue on Inkitt in the Inferno Hub Tier.)

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