Chapter 8

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A good morning went quite well for me. I didn't know what was going on with me but part of the reason I was in such a good mood was probably because Neco grew excited about seeing our mate again and in a way, his mood affected my emotions. To stop thinking about Timothy, I decided to maybe just make everyone breakfast. I normally cooked to distract myself.

Dad was the first to wake up since he was a doctor and had to wake up early every morning now that he got a job at the hospital.

"Nizan?" he entered the kitchen already dressed for work.

"Here you go, Father." I slid his coffee across the kitchen island. "No coffee, extra strong and a tad bit of creamer. You should hurry or you'll be late and don't worry about me and Kai. We'll take the bus or just walk."

"Okay!" he smiled and sipped on his coffee. "You're being very proactive today. Are you feeling sick?" he came to check my temperature with his hand, and it was the normal 40 degrees Celsius.

"I'm fine!" I shoved his hand away. It annoyed me when he or Mother did that, Treating me like a five-year-old child. "I just felt like making breakfast because I craved waffles and knew you wouldn't make them since you're working today."

"If you say so," he said shrugging and then added. "Also I'm only waiting till you two turn eighteen and then I'll buy both of your cars!"

"Dad when you're supposed to surprise your sons with a car for their eighteenth birthday, you're not supposed to tell that to them a year before that!"

"Oh don't worry about it!" he patted my shoulder. "You're the silent twin. You were always best at keeping secrets."

Oh wow...

I decided against it to give him a reply and he patted my shoulder again as he walked out the front door with the coffee.

I resumed my cooking and later Kai walked in. I pressed my lips together, pretending my dad didn't just reveal he'd buy us cars. I wasn't that much into cars, but I knew Kai always wanted one. Our parents didn't allow it because we had to be of legal age and that was the perk of being children of an alpha.

"You're up early," he said and went to fill his cup with coffee. "Did Dad leave?"

"You just missed him," I said, dishing out the bacon and then finishing to set up the table.

I looked at him and could tell for someone who discovered his mate and was so excited about it last night, behaved very weird and serious this morning. I could tell something was up.

"What?" I asked him.

"Promise not to tell Dad about this?"

Great, another secret I have to keep. I wish I was never the quiet twin.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Spill it."

"I snuck out last night."

" that it? Seriously? You're acting like you killed somebody!"

"Let me finish?"

I sighed and nodded okay.

He leaned forward like he did have a secret to tell. "I was on the school premises and there are these people inside some bunker, planning something and this may involve dad because they mentioned something about having Lancer Laboratories under their control. Dad works close to that lab since he's a doctor at the same hospital."

"You're not making any sense, Kai."

"Look...All I'm saying is that I'm convinced these are very bad people. You and I need to get on their tail and find out what they are up to and expose them!"

"Okay...Hold up!" I raised my hands to stop him there. "Since when do you want to play hero? Or have you forgotten that people are not supposed to know we're heretics and that we shouldn't give ourselves too much exposure?"

"My mate is in this school, Nizan!" he clenched his fists. "Which changes everything. If this threatens her safety then I'm going to have to do something about it. We have to find out what they are up to, especially if they see Dad as a threat."

I looked at my plate and scratched my neck, thinking for a minute. If I disagreed, Kai would do it on his own in any way and probably land himself into trouble again. I didn't have much of a choice, I wasn't going to let him do this alone.


"Fine?" his face brightened.

"I'll help you," I muttered rolling my eyes.

"Oh yes!!!!" he jumped in excitement. I now get where he gets most of his genes.

"But on one condition..." I added.

"And that is?"

"When Father buys us cars for our birthday, I want you to pick me a motorcycle because you're good at this stuff and I want one that looks cool!"

His widened. "Dad is buying us a car!"

"I heading off to school, bye."

I washed my hands and then went up the stairs to get dressed for school.


"So what exactly is the plan?" I asked Kai as we entered the school premises.

"First we find out who those three people are," he said.

I halted and looked at him. "Wait, you don't know who they are?"

"I didn't have a chance to their faces or I would've been caught!"

I sighed and continued walking holding onto the straps of my backpack. "Well, that marks our first quest. Find out their identities, find who and what they are and then what the plan with Lancer Labs and then we expose them. Are you sure it's something bad?"

"I know it's something bad and look the police here!" He nodded over to the main school building entrance and there were police here. "I bet one of them reported there was a break in after someone did listen in on their conversation. They will try look for me now because I'm a threat."

"I hope you didn't do anything stupid Kai!" I snatched his arm and pulled him with me behind a tree. "You do know they track you just by your scent right?!"

"Not if I didn't use any of my werewolf powers." He smirked and folded his arms.


"I used my pyrokinesis. So right now they are convinced a demon broke in and they will look for a demon with a fire type blood demon art I also wore a mask, so there's really no way they trace all this back to me because nobody knows you and I are heretics."

"Okay...That's a relief," I huffed and slid my hands inside my pockets. "We shouldn't talk about this here. Anyone could hear in on our conversation. We should rather talk about these stuff at home."

"You're right. Tonight we need to come here again and see if we can at least uncover one of their faces."

"No!" I gritted my teeth. "Right now you're being impulsive! If we are going to do this we need to do it in broad daylight, among all the  other students. That way no one will suspect us..."

"What are you getting at Nizan?"

"You remember their voices right? At least one of them has to be one of the school staff. If you can recognise the voice of this person then we have our guy." I double patted his chest. "And then we can go on with your plan."

"My plan?" He furrowed his eyes brows as if he wasn't following.

I rolled my eyes. "We beat his ass until he talks!"

"Oh yea! I am fired up for this!"

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