Chapter 6

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"So boys, how was the first day?" Father asked.

We were sitting around the dinner table and I was blankly staring at my plate. I looked at Kai since usually he was the one who loved to talk, but tonight apparently he wasn't in a mood for talking. He was staring at his phone as if he found something to entertain himself with. Sometimes Father took stuff too seriously, there was really no need for him to ask us about our day.

"It was fine," I answered bluntly and cleared my throat and kept looking at Kai.

Kai and I were in the same class, so I wondered where he's been during the first period, which girl he's banged this time. I also wanted to ask him some advice since he had experience with romance. And again my brother only slept with girls, he never dated one in his life.

My dad rubbed his hands together after he finished eating his lamb stew. "I was thinking of asking you boys about any plans we could make to renovate this place. Get some furniture and maybe a pet dog of our own?"

I looked around at our current dining room. The place was decent but paint was scraping off a few places on the walls. There was also that annoying sound the water pipes made whenever we opened one of the taps. This place definitely needed a makeover but usually I sucked at those kinds of stuff.

"A pet dog is a bit of a stretch and I'm sure a we can repaint the house and do everything ourselves we just need to get the equipment," I suggested.

My father nodded as if he was quite impressed by something and then he narrowed his eyes at me. "Okay, spill it! What's going on with you two?!"

"Huh?" both me and Kai said in a unison.

"You're both acting very strange and have been acting strange since I picked you up from school earlier on." He said and looked at me adding. "Also, Nizan you never talk around the dinner table."

"I don't know what's going on with Nizan," said Kai before he flipped his phone upside down. "But I have some news!"

"Please do tell," Father leaned more towards Kai like some journalist looking to cook a story. Sometimes it was shocking that someone so childish was my dad.

Kai looked at my dad then at me. He was smiling from ear to ear and I was also curious. Kai never smiled like that again since...well... since our mother died.

"I found my mate!" He said and I choked on my food.

"You found your mate?" My dad sounded shocked and laughed smacking Kai on his back. "That's great son! I don't believe it! You really found your mate?!"

"Yes, even I can't believe it. I met her today and you guys have to meet her. She looks really cute and pretty. Even her name sounds beautiful when you say it. Sibel."

"Wow, is that her name?"


I swallowed my food and drank some water to help swallow down the itch in my throat. This was a revelation I didn't expect. We were twins so it made sense that we both found our mates on the same day but I never expected the same for Kai. Even now I stared in disbelief as he said something truly respectful and sincere about a girl.

Most of the time he'd sexualise them in his conversations, but tonight he was speaking of his mate as if she was a goddess herself and my dad was listening attentively to him. There was no telling how happy my dad was to hear the news.

He often told us how he met my mother and when he found out she was his mate, he wanted to give the world to her. My father was a romantic and unlike most alphas that had a pack, he gave his Luna his world. Until she got taken from him...

"Is she from any pack in the town?" Father then asked Kai.

Kai shook his head, "No, she's human but that's also cool. I don't mind taking things slow."

I rolled my eyes. As if he ever took anything slow.

"What about you, Nizan?" Father asked me.

I blinked at my dad. "What about me?"

"Is there something you maybe want to share with us?" He pressed. 

I shook my head, "No. I don't have a mate, Father."

"I'm sure she is somewhere in this town. Don't worry about it." Kai smiled.

"I'm gay Kai. My mate's a guy not a girl."

"So there is someone?" Father questioned.

"No! There is no one!" I jumped off my seat deciding that I had enough food for tonight. "I'll be in my room studying. We're writing tests in four weeks and I want to be prepared."

I then quietly dismissed myself and headed upstairs to my room. That was close.

After I walked into my room I closed the door and then threw myself on the bed. I didn't have guts like Kai. I couldn't just tell them I had a mate. I knew nothing about the guy and I was terrible at trusting people. At the same time I couldn't ignore how badly I wanted to see him and just be near him.

When I closed my eyes I dreamt of him. He was in my bed with me, his hands on either side of me. He held me close to him as he pushed himself inside me and bit my neck, marking me.

I woke up the next morning to it all being just a dream.

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