Chapter 1

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"Okay boys, are you ready for school?" Dad asked.

I always wondered how he managed to be cheerful after everything. Even Nizan over there found it annoying and that was the same Nizan who had a lot in common with our father than I did. I didn't blame him. I also didn't look forward to any of this.

We left the life we had back there to come here to this new shitty town that looked like it had a bunch of shitty people in it. The last couple of days were shitty and my whole existence felt shitty. The wounds of losing our mother were still fresh and all we had to do was put up a strong face, even after my dad's pack kicked us out just because our mother was a demon.

He used to be their alpha and knew none of this was easy for him, but what could we do really? We were half demon and people were going to hold that against us for the rest of our lives.

"Remember boys, I chose this place because I knew it would be safe. Humans and wolves live here like normal neighbors!" My father said next, looking at us through the rearview mirror. "But remember, they can't know of your demonic powers."

"Right, so this is just another place where we can't be our true selves," I added with an eye roll.

"Nothing new," said Nizan while he was staring out the window. "That's just how high school life is, regardless if you're human or cockroach!"

I cringed. I didn't know what was the deal with him but I've been getting strange vibes from him lately. "You do have a point there brother!"

"Okay, that's it!" My dad stopped the car nearly hurling both of us out of the windshield. "Come on guys what did I tell you this morning and what do I tell you every day?"

I groaned and with my brother, we both said that annoying line in unison. "Life moves on. Our mother would want us to be happy..."

"That's the spirit boys!" I grinned and patted both of us on our shoulders. "You're my sons and I know things are tough but we have to stay strong. This is not just to prove something to other people but to ourselves and your mother. The first day won't be easy but you will pull through, I know it."

I clenched my fists. I knew my dad was only putting up this act so he could stay strong for us. I usually heard how he cried in his office at night whenever I went to take a pee.

"Now let's get moving, you don't want to be late for your first day." He said and stepped on the gas again.

Moon goddess, I hope this fate you cooked up for our family is good. It better be good or I'll curse you for the rest of my life!


"And welcome to your new school boys!"

My dad stopped the car exactly where we could see the school and woah. I looked at Nizan and gave him a thumbs up. So far this school looked a lot better than our last one.

"Don't judge a book by its cover," he said coldly and stepped out of the car. "See you later, Father."

"Enjoy your day son," Dad smiled at his favorite son. His smile became a sad smile when he saw Nizan enter the school gates. "Keep an eye on your brother, Kai. He hasn't taken your mother's passing well and his powers haven't developed yet. I'm worried something might happen and then we'd have to move again or even worse, lose your brother."

He was right. Nizan was a late bloomer. My blood demon art was fire but we still haven't figured out his. He also hasn't awakened his inner wolf yet.

"We'll be fine, Dad," I said. At least one of us had to keep it together and so far Nizan was doing fine, coping in his own way. "See ya!"

I got out of the car and grabbed my bag. I walked to the gates and looked around.

It was the beginning of the year and many students were already in their zone greeting old faces. The atmosphere here felt warm and welcoming. This was a school for both werewolves and humans. I couldn't wait to get to know all these people.

I kept walking all by myself, looking for any signs of Nizan. I stopped when a bike passed me and then tailed behind this bike was a sweet strawberry scent. My nose twitched at the smell and it made tingles spread from my head to my toes.

I followed the source of the scent and out came the word...


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