Chapter 4

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"What? In two days?" Jasper asked, who was sitting on his master chair busy with some paperwork, was left stunned for a second by Sasha's words.

She rarely comes around here and rarely demands for anything.

But now when she came to him and demanded for the wedding to happen earlier than before, he didn't know what to do.

Leaning back against the master chair, he took a deep breath.

"May I know the reason for that?" He asked, looking at her. His eyes moved down to her body and paused on her chest that was abnormally moving up and down, indicating that she was running not long ago. He looked back up at her.

"Ahh, you see I'm afraid something might happen before that, it could delay the wedding. I'm just not having a good feeling about that." She said while fidgeting with her fingers. Her eyes moved up to his face and there were lots of questions hidden in his expressions. Before he could ask something, she immediately continued.

"I don't want any wedding present. I just want the wedding to happen in two days." She said and he lowered his gaze as if thinking hard. She thought he wouldn't agree but when he nodded his head, she felt a great sense of relief washing over her.

"Though, I didn't quite get your reason but I will fulfill this demand of yours." He said and a wide smile kissed her features making his eyes go double in size. She was smiling and it was a happy smile and a genuine smile. Something he never witnessed in these whole two years.

All of a sudden he stood up and slowly walked up to her. Her smile dropped with each step he took closer to her. He paused in front of her and she just silently stared at him until he put his fingers under her chin, raising her face.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked nervously and he smiled at her. "Nothing, I liked the way you smile." He said and her pupils slightly dilated.

'I like the way you beautiful.'

His words rang in her head and something known as fear clutched her heart in it's vicious grip until Jasper brought her back to the present by kissing her lips.

Her eyes widened when she felt his lips on hers. 

She stilled for a second and didn't know what to do or how to react. This was the first time they kissed. As a princess, she was always taught not to get intimate with a man before marriage. Not to fall in love with anyone unless he was a royal.

However, the things she learned were of no use and the man kissing her wasn't her first kiss either.

She was torn off from all of these the day the beast decided to show itself two years back.

The way he held her and did things to her all to his likings, she realized that all of those teachings were of no use against a man's desire.

He was a beast.

She still remembers how he held her and viciously kissed her, the feeling of helplessness, fear and terror were marked over her six senses forever. 

She put her hands on Jasper's chest and shut her eyes when he licked her lips, asking for entrance. When she didn't open her lips, he harshly bit on her lower lip making her hiss as she abruptly stepped back from him while covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Oh, pardon me." He said, looking a bit surprised as he wasn't expecting this reaction from her. "I-Its fine." She said, lowering her hand and he noticed the little bruise on her lower lip caused by him.

"I will take my leave now." She said, turned around and immediately left. As soon as she left, his expression turned bitter. "How boring." He said with an eye roll.

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