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The cries of dragons filled the salt-scented air as Daemion brought Quickfang, his emerald green dragon, into another death-defying loop through the air. The dragon's emerald scales shimmered in the midday sun, highlighting the silver membranes in his wings and the tips of his head and neck spikes as he shrieked in joy at spending time with his rider.

A deep rumbling bellow filled the air as Vhagar, the Queen of Dragons, took to the air behind him. Her days of tricks and cartwheels were long behind her. At almost two hundred years old, her bones were weary, and her mind slow compared to younger dragons. Nevertheless, Laena loved the beast, spending her time basking in the shadow of her dragon's wings and singing songs of Old Valyria.

A smaller, shyer cry filled the air as Grey Ghost kept his distance, following behind the two other dragons, choosing to spend his time dipping in and out of the water, causing a giggling Rhaena to shriek with laughter. Despite his exact age being unknown, he was a fully grown dragon, only slightly larger than Quickfang, who was twenty-three years old, the same as Daemion.

Down below, Daemion could see Baela running along the beach, chasing them with two of her Velaryon guards following, Moon Dancer flying above her, the hatchling still too small for her to ride. Smirking, Daemion brought Quickfang down into a dive and skimmed the water next to Baela with Quickfang's massive tail, splashing the girl and making her giggle and yell in High Valyrian.

A flash of red and black in the distance had the young father frowning as he spotted a group of Targaryen soldiers walking down the beach, the Targaryen banner held high. It wasn't often Daemion received word from King Viserys. Most often, word from King's Landing came from a raven sent by his siblings or parents.

Something important required a show of pageantry like this.

Flashing a reassuring smile at a nervous-looking Laena, Daemion brought Quickfang down towards the beach, sighing when he saw guards bathed in blue and silver coming from the keep to meet the visitors. The sound of massive wings flapping behind him exposed Laena's intent to follow her husband down, and with a crash, all three dragons landed, sending puffs of sand clouds around the dragon's flapping wings.

Daemion's muscles winced in protest as he jumped off Quickfang's back, tired and sore from the vigorous riding and training regime he forced himself to follow every day. Then, hiding a flinch as his feet landed hard on the sand, he walked over to assist a heavily pregnant Laena climb down the rope ladder off Vaghar's back, the great beast surprisingly gentle as she lowered herself as low to the ground as possible for her rider to disembark.

Then together, the couple began marching towards the waiting messenger, Laena holding out an arm to stop their daughters' approach in case of bad news. Rhaenyra had been pregnant with her fifth child, and the last thing Daemion needed was his girls to find out their aunt or infant cousin died from a stranger.

The messenger was young, his dark brown hair stuck to his forehead under his silver helm from sweat. His eyes were wide, darting between the massive dragons sunbathing on the beach and their riders, but to the boy's credit, he stood tall and did not cower as Daemion came to stand in front of him, the prince's hand resting on his sword hilt.

"Prince Daemion, Lady Laena, I bring word from King Viserys, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men."

Nodding impatiently, Daemion said, "Speak it, messenger. You are no doubt exhausted from the journey from King's Landing. We will give you food and drink before sending you back to King's Landing with our reply."

The boy gulped before continuing, face pale as he said, "His Grace brings good tidings, Her Highness, the Crown Princess Rhaenyra had given birth to another prince she has decided to name Viserys after His Grace."

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