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Diana woke up to the sound of heavy footfalls and the door to the chamber she shared with her lord husband opening with a crash. Sitting up, she only just managed to clutch the soiled silk sheets to her bare chest before Viserys came striding in, three Kingsgaurd and a smirking Otto behind him. Daemon, of course, didn't bother to cover his nude body from the visibly irate spectators and simply stretched his sex-worn muscles slowly while peering at his brother with sleep-hooded eyes.

Holding back a curse, Diana hissed, "What is the meaning of this? Good-brother?"

Darting a narrow-eyed stare at a furious Viserys who looked haggard in his sleeping clothes. Hadn't he even bothered to dress before barging in? Forcing herself to sit up straight and not to show just how uncomfortable she was being naked in front of multiple men who weren't her husband, let alone that snake Hightower, she kept her gaze on the king while he strode forward, murder in his eyes.

" Where is she? " He hissed in High Valyrian, eyes glaring daggers at both her and a slowly sitting up Daemon who was only starting to realize how serious this situation might be.

Darting a confused look around the room at their captive audience, Daemon asked in a sleepy growl, "Where is whom, brother?"

"My daughter! " The King roared, making his guards step forward in concern while he panted with fury at his confused sibling and sister-in-law. "Your degenerate son walked her back to her room, and she's gone."

"Wait," Diana said, choosing to throw caution to the wind and dropping the sheet to reach for the rob strewn next to the bed. Although, thankfully, the guards averted their eyes to protect her modestly, Otto didn't. "The crown princess is missing, and you are only hearing about it now? The next morning?"

Standing up, she ensured her body was covered by the silk robe before striding towards the divider that protected her modesty while she bathed. Then, pausing only to pick up a pair of riding trousers and a white shirt, she went behind the partition to begin changing.

Daemon didn't bother; instead, he picked up his wrinkled clothes from the night before and began to change right in front of his furious brother. Then, pausing as he knotted the ties that held his trousers up, he asked, "Some kingsguard you employ. Only noticing their charge is missing hours after the fact. I assume Ser Crispy is in the dungeons as we speak?"

Viserys ignored his brother's japs as he stared after his good-sister, spitting out, "What are you doing? Just tell me where the children are, and I'll -"

Daemon's eyes darkened at the King's threat, and he stood tall, stepping forward until his nose almost touched Viserys', ignoring the swords levied at him by Ser Harrold and the two other guards that had accompanied the monarch to their chambers, "You do what , brother? If Rhaenyra is missing, so is Aelyx. I will not have you lay a hand on my son over rumours no doubt spread by your cunt of a Hand."

"Your Grace," said cunt simpered, stepping forward, "I warned you that they would be no help in this matter. Perhaps we should -"

It was Diana's turn to cut in, her brown eyes darkened almost to black in her anger, "Should what, Lord Hand? Arrest us? Exile us for our son's supposed crimes? You would love that, wouldn't you? Now," She turned to an irate Viserys, "Two of our hatchlings are missing; I intend to find them. You can all stay here measuring cocks if you want, but I'm leaving."

Then she was gone, slipping past the dumbstruck guards and out the door, leaving a fuming Viserys and a chuckling Daemon behind her.

As she strutted down the hall, the lady paid no mind to the murmurs that followed her regarding her strange attire. Her hair unbound and tunic untucked from her trousers, she cut quite the figure as she made her way down, down, down into the depths of the keep. There was only one place she could think of where the prince and princess could have hidden without being found, and she could only pray she got there first, just in case anything untoward had happened between the young adults.

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