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- Repeat it again. Who is Sean?

- Roman, I already told you, he's a boy I met when I lived with Han in Tokyo.

- It doesn't have a very Tokyo name for me, maybe if it were called yukimawa or something like that... - He said, making Lena shake her head with a smile as she continued walking. - I don't understand that you know a boy about six years younger than you, he was in high school and-

-He's like Han and Lena's adopted son, okay? Now shut up and keep walking. - Tej interrupted, making the dark skinned look at him with annoyance before Lena crossed a corner, encountering a scene, quite common for her.

Two of the three boys she knew very well, arguing, as always. - Are you a pilot and are you afraid of flying?

- Twinke? - Roman mocked, earning a laugh from Tej, Lena smiled before looking at the trio with melancholy eyes.

- It's a pleasure to know that you are good as always.

- Lena? - Sean asked, looking at the woman with open eyes, she opened her arms, Roman and Tej raised their eyebrows when they saw how the girl let herself be lifted by the younger's embrace, looking at each other with some disbelief, both turned their eyes. to the scene.

- I thought... I wouldn't see you again, after what happened with Han, your brother... It's... How have you been?

- I guess I'm fine, I'm still breathing... Ah, I'm glad to see that everyone is fine and that you left aside the bandanas. - Lena smiled as she hugged Twinke, looking at them almost proudly, she had met them when they were eighteen years old, and seeing them in their adulthood gave her immense joy.

When Sean was about to ask the reason for her visit, an alarm was heard, as well as a voice speaking in German, the trio of visitors looked at each other strangely before noticing how the trio of youngers went crazy, almost excited, the three moving with a strange aura of nerves. -Hey, have you seen ten-second cars? - Lena looked at Sean strangely at that. - Well, say hello to a two seconds one.

When Sean removed the blanket that covered the car, the trio looked at it with some strangeness in their expressions, there was a modified car with a rocket engine. - Is that a Pontiac?

- Of all the ridiculous things in that car, did you only notice that it's a Pontiac? It literally has a rocket on it. - Lena said to Tej, who was the most dismayed by the car situation.

- Impressive, right?

- No... It's not impressive. - Tej said, frowning at that abomination.

Lena walked next to Sean to understand what had them so excited, seeing how he controlled the car with a remote control type, which was like a huge box that he hung from his neck. - It's taking off! Now, now, now! - Hearing Twinke like that made Lena look at them with more confusion.

They had always been strange kids.

As the car took off, accelerating down the large track, Lena raised an eyebrow as she watched the rocket engine ignite, making it go even faster than a turbo could drive a car, watching as a ship flew over them, Lena still didn't understand the point of their emotion. - Are they your contacts?

- I thought adulthood would make them saner, at least Sean... I think it was a bad idea to leave him with those two. - Lena sighed, watching the trio jump as if they were little children. - Although well, if you mess with a yakuza for a girl, I can't expect much from you... Right?

- A... Did she say a Yakuza? - Roman asked Tej, as he watched Lena walk away from them to walk towards the trio.

- I didn't see him beat the plane.

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