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— You got it?

— You offend me by asking me those questions, sweetheart. — Lena smiled, taking out the complete map of the police station that they had asked her for.

— Very good. — Dom took the paper, making everyone approach the table immediately. —Were you able to find out anything else?

— Yes, the money, he has it in the evidence vault. — Lena said, Brian pointed out where such an object was located.

— Ahm… yes… I… I want you to listen to me, just a second. —Tej raised his hand, drawing everyone's attention. — We are talking about entering a police station, do you recognize those words?

— It is not the first time that someone here has interacted with a azulito. — Lena said, leaning on the table, the gaze of several fell on her. — Some more than others. — She said, looking at Santos and Leo, earning a laugh from Han before he put his hand on the girl's lower back.

—Police stations try to stop people from leaving, not from entering, that's the small difference in this whole case. — He said for everyone, but Lena knew that it was directed more than anything to her.

— It is necessary that someone enters, at least, to know the model of that vault. — Dom mentioned, making everyone stay silent, looking at the map, thoughtful.

—So, the vault and then… Ah, how complicated… Who is supposed to do all this? — Roman asked, pointing to the paper on the table, everyone shared a look, smiling mischievously before those eyes turned to the man.

- Me? Why me?

—Because you never shut up, Bombón. — Lena touched his shoulder, leaving little taps on it.

— Damn…

— Hey… — Lena caught everyone's attention in a moment of silence where they were preparing to carry out the second part of their mission, she took advantage of the fact that Gisele and Mia had gone with Roman to look for some things they would need to take to do their part of the job. —It's not that I don't trust Roman to do his part of the job, but…

— You don't trust that he will do well.

—I don't trust the police to let Roman into the evidence room that easy. — She answered, looking at Han, who was next to Dom, both of them had been talking about some things before the girl interrupted.

—Do you want to go in there?

—No, although it's possible that I could get in easier than him, what I mean is that… We should have a bit of… well, a plan B in case Roman goes to jail for lie to the police. — The girl gave up, she couldn't say it in a kinder way than that.

—A plan B?

— Yes, you know, a camera in an evidence box, I don't know, insurance. — She said, moving her legs a little as she was sitting on the railing that had a platform in the middle of the large warehouse in which they were.

—I don't think there's much time to-

—Actually, you're right. — Tej caught everyone's attention, moving towards his car, taking out some things. — We are going to give security to our plan.

— Well… Don't tell Roman th-

—Don't tell Roman what? — Lena almost fell when she heard the voice of the man in question, turning around to take her jacket, she put her arms around Tego and Santos's shoulders with a smile.

— That blue is your color, Bombón. Well, we're leaving, we'll be waiting for your orders, Tej. — She said, making the Latinos walk with her while they complained that it was still too early.

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