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Lena was upset, for two reasons. One, Dom had gone alone with Brian and the army to look for Shaw, a man they couldn't stop, and two, that medicine that Nobody had given her had made her fall asleep, had practically drugged her.

She didn't know the reason, but she didn't care either, it had kept her from waking up so she could go with Dom to look for Shaw, because yes, she knew that he would do something like that.

She was also a Toretto after all.

And now, they had all returned to Los Angeles, knowing that with them there, their targets would also arrive there. - Hey, I like to improvise, but this is crazy... They're mercenaries with big guns! - Roman complained, trying to make his point of why they should return home. - I'm not scared or anything but... I don't even have a little pistol.

- Sure? - Lena laughed, being followed by Tej who was next to her, she looked ahead, missing Roman's annoyed look at her.

- We have more than an entire city, if they use the eye of God they will enter the city cameras to locate us, so we could sow a virus. - Tej said being a comment well accepted by others. - But there is a problem...

- There is always a problem... - Lena complained in a low voice, putting her hands in the pockets of her pants.

- The strength of the signal, we won't be able to hack it until they're five kilometers away.

- That's very close...

- Very close? These men are military, if they are located within five kilometers we will already be dead, I don't know what you think but I did not plan to die today. - Lena listened, thinking about everything that was happening at that moment, trying to come up with a plan that would help them get out alive and, if possible, finish with Shaw's.

She wanted to see Shaw in the face, even if it was to hit him, but she knew that Dom would not let her, because even if she did not want to accept it, Lena's thought was not the same as Dom's, she did want to do justice for death of her friend, but Lena wanted revenge for taking Han...

And in the Torettos, revenge was never welcome.

- So... - Lena began, blinking a little. - We have to run with Ramsey.

- What?

- That's right... - Dom looked at Lena, seeing his sister swallow with some force, he knew what she wanted, but he wasn't going to let her go with Shaw when she was confusing a mission and justice with something else. - And I'll go after Shaw... - Lena heard her brother, clenching her fists, she nodded, without saying more, she turned around, walking towards her moss green car.

She had many things to think about and a lot of annoyance withheld, she didn't want it to go out with the others.

The group watched as the girl left in the car, they all looked at each other with some guilt before seeing Dom. - Don't you think you should... I mean, you know she's here because of Han, right?

- I know... But Lena is not like Mia and me... Lena is strong and brave, so much so that sometimes she forgets that she has feelings, and when she realizes, she confuses them with things that are totally different... - Dom said, still watching where his sister had gone. - Lena thinks that killing Shaw is going to make up for Han's death and that she will do justice, but that's not the case, she wants Shaw dead because he took away something she wanted, she wants revenge on Shaw to be calm with herself and I understand her, It was what I felt when my father died, but... Revenge is personal, and when Lena takes something personal, it's too serious... I'm not going to let my sister be a murderer.


Lena was in the workshop with her car and the one she would use for the mission by her side, her head was in her hands and her breathing was heavy but calm, as if she were sleeping, it wasn't like that, she was simply thinking.

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