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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Three years ago Lena had stopped all communication with her brothers, Letty's death had taken her by surprise, and although Mia's call a year ago she never expected it, she decided to attend the funeral of Dom's girlfriend, who had been like a mother to her, of course she had felt a part of her leave the moment she saw how the coffin was buried under that dirty dirt, but there was nothing to do now, and even if there was, Lena didn't want to be part of it. That is why, the same day that the funeral was, that same day she returned to Dubai, where she had been living for the last three years.

She did not expect to see Mia again, who had been the only one who had shown up at the funeral, in such a short time, but it was Dominic Toretto himself, her brother, the one who always wanted to keep her away from any danger, who asked her to went to Rio, it was because it was something important.

Sighing as she walked, entering the place where Dom had summoned her, she was not surprised to see a fairly classic car right next to another more luxurious and expensive one, turning her gaze away from the cars, the youngest turned her gaze to a group of men, listening to a rather pathetic discussion that ended once the eyes of a dark-skinned man fell on her. —But... who is this beauty?

Everyone's gaze fell on the girl, who did not appear to be more than twenty-two years old, long and thick legs, as well as her entire body, dark brown hair, not so golden brown skin, dark brown eyes, which looked quite striking, due to the natural seductive shine that they carried. — I don't know why are you argue, you're like the same duo but the boring American version and the cheap Mexican remake. — the girl said, pulling a pack of gum from the pocket of her faded black denim jacket.

— It seems that you already know each other, I'm glad to see that you haven't changed at all. —Dom's voice was heard, making everyone pay attention to him.

The first to walk towards him was a girl, quite attractive in Lena's eyes, saying something to Dom that she couldn't understand, nor did she pay attention to her, her eyes moved to be able to analyze everyone who was in the place, colliding looks with the Asian one in the room, who was eating some chips near a motorcycle, was still the same as the last time she had seen him, and just like her, he was seeing her.

Mia's voice interrupted her, making her see how she was running towards her, the girl smiled, hugging the older one affectionately, she hadn't seen her for a long time. - It's nice to know you're okay.

— And it's a pleasure to know that no one is in jail, or dead. - She couldn't say anything because Dom's voice interrupted her.

I think some of you are curious. - the older one passed an arm around her shoulders to make her get away from the car. — This is Lena Toretto, my younger sister, I think some know her more than others.— Dom's eyes passed to Han, who raised his hand while nodding along with the two Latinos in the room. — We worked together a few years ago and I had to have her on my team this time.

— I didn't think the job was for clowns, you invited two, and their doubles. — She pointed to the two Latino men she knew well, she had worked with them and Han several years ago, the theft of that gasoline pipe brought back several memories.

— I didn't remember you being so funny, but if it's a clown job, we already know who will be the one with the biggest wig. — Santos provoked, making the girl laugh before turning her gaze to her brother.

— May I know why I had to take a flight at two in the morning? — She asked, in fact it had been a short flight, not that she had been in Dubai at the time she spoke to Dom, but she was curious why he needed all those people

—We have a job.

—That's right. — This time Brian spoke, she has heard about him and his criminal police story or something like that, she knew he was dating Mia and that he was "Trusteable". But no more than that, she had seen him a few times but never in a situation where they could have a conversation. —The target is called Hernan Reyes, he handles drugs here.

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