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More missiles, that was the first thing that Lena's eyes saw when they reach the others. - Don't give them a target, better get in front, Lena and I will receive the missiles.

- WHAT!? - Roman and the girl screamed at the same moment they heard Hobbs' words.

- Lena, you will be the mouse, run from the cat.

-Stop using damn metaphors in life or death situations.

- Why don't you use Tej as mouse!? He's got a damn tank!

- BOTH SHUT UP! - Tej's scream scared them, making them grimace, the girl rolled her eyes before leaving the formation, accelerating when the first missile came out, listening to Roman's scream when the girl rejoined the formation.

- That fucking giant baby isn't getting shit! - Roman shouted, the girl frowned, leaving the formation again, and was going to do the same maneuver again, however, when she turned the wheel, the car skidded, making them face to face with the full car. of missiles. -LENA TURN! LENA!

The girl at that moment remembered when Han was teaching her to run on that long mountain, using her practice she moved the gear lever, accelerating towards the missile, listening to Roman's scream, just when it was going to hit them, the girl pulled the handbrake, moving the steering wheel making the girl turn, surrounding the missile, letting it go on its way.

Roman's cry of relief made her laugh, speeding up, she managed to get back into formation. - Hobbs, I have no more tricks! - The girl said, seeing how now another car with missiles joined the first one.

- What do we do now?

- We started praying.

Lena accelerated, trying not to lose step with the blonde or Letty, when an explosion was heard behind her, seeing how the vehicles with missiles exploded, from among the flames, she managed to see how a black car came out, with a proud smile, she nodded.

She knew Dom wouldn't turn his back on them.

Not to his family.

Lessa made a sign to him with her hand when he passed by her, seeing how he continued accelerating, deciding to return her attention to the mission, she almost got distracted when she saw an explosion next to her, looking in her side mirror, she managed to see an artifact that came out of the ice. That was...

- Torpedo! - The girl said over the radio, mostly to Hobbs. - Hobbs, your ass is going to explode if you don't get rid of that.

- I can't do it, there's no one here with me to take the wheel!

- You're the damn copy of the Hulk and you can't move a damn torpedo and drive at the same time!? Fuck off! - Roman scolded, the girl just denied, continuing with her course before hearing Hobbs scream.

- Lena, turn away!

When the girl looked to her side, she noticed how the torpedo was heading towards the vehicle next to her, turning the steering wheel quickly, She managed to deflect the large explosion that was next to her. Letting out a joyful laugh alongside Roman, they both high-fived each other, happy that they were making it.

That was until a loud noise and the sudden movement of the car made them get a little scared. They both looked in the rearview mirror, noticing how the tip of the large submarine was sticking out of the ice. - Fuck you, this wasn't in the plan!

- Being chased by a fucking submarine wasn't in the plan in the first place! Now we're going to be killed by one!? - Roman said in an upset voice, making Lena even more upset. - Lena, Lena, it's below us, Lena, we're going to die! Lena!

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