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Lena's eyes widened heavily, stretching her body out on that long hotel bed, letting out a sigh before letting go of her body, the girl looked up at the ceiling, blinking for a few seconds before her eyes widened in surprise.

Looking to her side, she noticed the time. 7:36 a.m.

Her flight was leaving in less than half an hour.

Getting out of bed, she almost fell back when she saw the figure sitting in the small chair in the room. Her eyes adjusted to the light, looking at Han, who was sitting, watching her with a smile as he munches on an oatmeal cookie that he'd found in a shopping bag that Lena had brought the night before.

- Good morning, beautiful.

- It's late. - The girl said, rushing to the bathroom, seeing how the only thing that was there was only her toothbrush and a little toothpaste. - Han...

- I assumed this would happen, I didn't think you would wake up because of everything you did last night... Then I thought and was understanding, our flight leaves in two more hours. - He said, walking towards her, she sighed in relief before feeling his warm hands running down her abdomen. - But we can always delay it a little more...

Lena smiled, feeling the warm kisses that the man left on her neck, making her sigh when he murmured words on her skin, his fingers caressing her bare skin, and before he decided to put his hands under her pajama shorts, she stopped him, hearing a groan from him. - If I let you do this, you're going to have to delay that flight for tomorrow.

- Uhm, Tokyo can wait. - He shrugged, attacking his neck again, where there were already some small reddish purple marks that he had taken care of leaving the night before.

- Han, I'm serious. - Hi sighed, stopping his kisses, but leaving his face on her neck. - We can always try that bed in Japan.

Han's laugh made her smile, he placed a kiss on her cheek, telling her that he would leave her to get ready and he would finish packing what was missing.

Yes, everything was ready, they were leaving for Japan in a few hours, Lena wasn't going to lie, she was scared, it was a completely different place from the warm air of Los Angeles, where she had grown up for most of her life, the traditions there were different, food, language, even the way of seeing life, for the Japanese it was very different.

Lena was terrified, it was such an abrupt change in such a short time, but she decided to do it, she decided to take that leap to be able to accompany Han, she knew his illusion for taking her to Tokyo with him, trying to make everything go well and that they can do a life. Lena did it not only for him, but also for Gisele and Malik, they had both been important people to both of them, and both had given their lives so that they could have theirs.

And she wasn't going to let them die in vain.

At one point, the girl came to think that she was doing this more than anything out of obligation, out of duty, because she didn't want to disappoint anyone, and perhaps she did, which is why, in the last month, the girl had been debating a lot about whether that was a good idea or not, until she decided to do it.

After having a deep talk with Mia and her brother, they let her know that she didn't have to do anything that she didn't want to do, they knew how understanding Han was, they also advised her to talk to him, and she did so, telling him about the every single of her worries, this time, both of them had promised to talk about anything that worried them, not like last time.

That was why Han had told her that if she needed more time, he would understand, they could start in Los Angeles. And when she decided that she was ready to start, they would.

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐊𝐈 || Han Lue [English Version] Where stories live. Discover now