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Abuh Dhabi, Dubai
One year eight months later

Lena had taken Roman's advice a year ago, she returned to Dubai as her initial stop, and in which she found a reason to stay for a long time.

It had been months since the last time she saw her siblings, she had visited Mia about twice to see little Jack and Brian, sometimes she saw Dom, but it wasn't very often, it had been almost two years since she hadn't seen some of the people she met on the mission in Rio, since she last saw that charismatic Asian. After her departure, she had cut off communication with most, except for Dom, Mia and, for some reason, Roman, who visited her from time to time due to his many trips with all his women in his own private jet.

Life in Dubai, was going to be honest, it had been very easy, everything she ever wanted, she had in, almost everything, she traveled periodically, had a few other properties in the country, and in others, she had opened a luxury car workshop in downtown Dubai, everything was going well.

Too well.

That was why she was not surprised when a call came to her cell phone in the middle of the night, sighing heavily, she touched the nightstand that she had next to the big bed in the very well decorated and huge room she was in.

Deciding not to turn on the light so as not to make too much of a fuss, she got out of bed when she saw the caller ID, accepting the call, she went out onto the balcony, closing the door behind her. - Dom?

—Lena, how are you?

— Dom, well... How can you be with a life in Dubai. — The girl laughed a little low, leaning on the balcony of the place. —What's going on, Dom? I know you wouldn't call unless it was something important. — Lena said, looking back, closing the glass door that separated the room from the cold Abu Dabi night.

- It's Letty. - That made Lena stop in her steps, looking strangely at the ground under her feet.


— She's alive, Lena... And I want you to help me find her.

Lena heard her brother's voice, that thick voice had that feeling of concern deep inside it, the girl blinked, looking at the horizon, noticing the calm sea that was illuminated by the moon, lowering her gaze to see the two cars , totally, luxurious, parked at the entrance of the property, her life had been so calm lately, so perfect, everything was like a fairy tale.

However, Lena did not consider herself a princess. Besides, Lena considered Letty as her family, and she didn't leave anyone behind. —I'll see you there tomorrow.— She answered, hanging up the call, lowering her cell phone, the girl blinked her gaze towards the room, fixing her gaze on the bed before swallowing, deciding to return to sleep.

She has a flight to catch tomorrow morning.


Lena's hands stopped adjusting her necklace inside her shirt once the elevator doors opened, she had arrived at the agreed place in no time, having a private jet at your disposal all the time had its advantages.

Taking steps into the room, she smiled when she saw the back of Roman and Tej, who, it seemed, were also arriving at the place. — Wow, it seems that this time we did have a budget. — Lena's voice caught everyone's attention, causing all eyes to be on her.

- Princess! But look at you, you look better than the last time I visited you, a month ago? I don't know... — Lena laughed, accepting Roman's hug — It seems that life is treating you well, right?

Lena slapped the man's back at that, making him chuckle before letting go. — I missed you too, Roman... Tej, I did miss you. — The girl ran with open arms to the man, who smiled and hugged the girl, she looked a little more tanned than last time, giving her skin a caramel color that suited her very well.

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐊𝐈 || Han Lue [English Version] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang