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-Hey Roman, don't you feel like your forehead is freezing? - Lena put a hand on it, earning a slap on her hand as she heard a complaint from the brunette and a laugh from Tej, who gave more strength to the joke by adding one of his own.

- If you continue to offend me, I'm going to roll you until you're lying in the middle of the ice so that the Russians can take you and do experiments on you. - he threat once they were both laughing while high-fiving each other when they saw him looking at them with total offense.

A second of silence passed before Lena laughed, watching as Roman shifted uncomfortably. - Stop laughing, I'm freezing... This is not for me... I come from a different lifestyle, women know me, they know what I am... I tried to take a piss, I don't even recognize myself.

Lena's laughter was so sincere that she became mute, throwing her head back, she fell sitting on her legs while continuing to laugh at the brunette's words. - Roman, that was too much information. - Tej complained.

- I'm just saying.

Everyone's attention fell on the source of the engine noise they heard, everyone put their binoculars in front of their eyes, turning their heads in the direction of the noise, and as they had predicted, Dom's car was approaching the naval base. - You really have to be crazy to attack this place without an army... - Lena listened to the blonde.

- When you have the best street racer armed with a nuclear weapon, you don't need an army, blonde. - She answered, still looking at the route of Dom's car, feeling her legs begin to feel the cold over her pants.

Everyone's eyes left the binoculars as they saw a large wall of snow rise with the wind, it was as if someone was throwing some heavy object over the water, however, this seemed more like a wave of energy, everyone had to cover their eyes. to prevent ice from falling on them and causing them to burn. - That was...

- The EMP... -Lena heard Tej say, swallowing, the girl looked down, thinking again about what the woman could want from there, so much so that she would even use the EMP.

- The submarine... - Lena said, making everyone look at her. - Cipher wants the submarine.

With that in mind, Tej began typing on his tablet, trying to verify that the girl's words were true, and indeed, they were. - Damn! You're right... Cipher restarted the submarine so she could have control of its system.

- What the hell are you saying? - Roman complained, not understanding anything, perhaps because of the cold, but he felt out of place.

- They want to take a submarine, Roman, but we can't let that happen... - Lena said, seeing the large submarine a few kilometers away from them.

-There's the control room!- Ramsey said, making everyone look at her. - If you put me in that wheelhouse I can connect to the system and counterhack cipher to prevent her from taking it into the water...

- What I have to do is enter that submarine, look for the weapons room and take out the chip before she can use those missiles. - Lena heard Tej say after Ramsey finished, watching them both argue over which one sounded crazier.

- Both are suicidal ideas, but we are going to do them... Both.


The cars took off, moving at alarming speed from the space in which they had remained hidden all this time.

- Very good, Lena, repeat the plan to us, I think my frozen ears didn't quite understand it. - Lena rolled her eyes when she heard Roman's voice.

- Letty and Hulk will make sure that Ramsey is safe until she can have control of that submarine, while you, the blonde, and I will make sure that Tej is not killed until he finds the chip he needs... Any questions?

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