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Outside the headquarters of the vampire hunter society, sitting on one of the roof of the surrounding building, Kanna open a book that hold the record of reports from ten years ago. After some minute of skimming through the pages, coming to the certain part recounting the winter report, the page suddenly engulf in flames.

Kanna only stare at the burning page until it turn nothing but ash.

"Heh~ interesting. Seems like Yuki's past are full of mysteries." Hakudoshi said appearing suddenly behind Kanna.

"It's a dead-end here" said Kanna standing up, taking the book with her back to the headquarters.

"Oh, you're going back their personally? Is there something interesting there that you should personally see for yourself?" He ask, following her

"We know that the hunter association are somehow corrupted by the vampires thanks to Shizuka's memories. Papa ignore them for now but it's better to check everything"

"Heh~ sound boring. Then I go check back at the Academy. There's an interesting new person who seems to be more fun" he said as they both then disappear from the darkness.


It's been a whole day before Shiki and Rima woke up, the smell of food woke them up as they both walk out of the room, wearing sleepwear given by Zero, following the smell into the kitchen. Standing there, is the familiar sight of Zero cooking, just like the time when he's still at the Cross Academy cooking for them.

"Sit down, food is already done." He said as he turn to them, bringing two plate of food at the table. They eat in comfortable silent

After eating, he take the plate and start washing, the two only watch until he finish.

"Zero, are you really not coming back?" Ask Rima when they all settle in the living room which is so bare except for some rip couches that is covered by clean clothes.

"We can even ask for Kaname-sama to protect you from the Senate. Kaname-sama understand why you kill her and he's already talking with the Senate to drop the hunt." Shiki said

Zero only chuckle and ruffle both their head. "That's kinda impossible now, Shiki, Rima. As you can see, I don't look humane at all, with tattoo mark on my face, claws and large dog ear, it's easy to see I'm not human."

Rima pout "But what about Koga-san and Ayame-san? they can transform to look more human."

"Yes they can, but I don't have that kind of ability. Moreover, I can move more freely out of the Academy. And I don't need protection." He grumble at the end.

The two smile at his grumbling but still confusedly ask. "Move freely?"

Zero grin "I'm on a hunt. But....... before I can tell you more, I want to make something clear between us." He then raise his palm, prick it with his claw and watch as his blood flow out with his yōki channeling it, swirling above his palm. The two eyes glowed red with Zero's blood. Using his Yōki, he manipulate his blood to construct and manifest it into two red crescent moon, one turn into a pendant while other turn into an earring.

"You probably already felt the bond we have with each other. It's the same bond I have with my children, though incomplete, still new and easy to break." He then present the two moon to them "Accepting these is the same as accepting my claim to you."

Shiki and Rima look at each other before turning back to him. "Does Kanna and Hakudoshi also have these?" Ask Shiki

"No. My claim toward them and the others are absolute, they are mine and mine alone. But, you two are different. You already belong to Kaname. I never thought I got attached to you two. I don't normally like dealing with Kuran, but if it's for you two, I don't mind it. I'm not forcing you to choose between us, all I'm asking is for you to not betray me and come to me if you ever need or want to."

Crescent Memories : V.K x InuyashaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora